I ipIBA Day. “I Meeting of Predoctoral Researchers in Biomedicine”

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I ipIBA Day. “I Meeting of Predoctoral Researchers in Biomedicine”

May 31, 2022 @ 9:00 am - 2:00 pm

If you are a predoctoral researcher, sign up for 'ipIBA Day'!

All predoctoral researchers at the Aragón Health Research Institute are invited to participate in the 'ipIBA Day', which will take place on May 31 from 9:00 a.m. to 14:00 p.m. in the Lorente de No assembly hall of the CIBA. This innovative initiative, which will serve to close the course of the seminars on biomedical research that are given biweekly on Tuesdays of each month, aims to promote scientific culture among predoctoral researchers in biomedical research, enhance networking among younger researchers and contribute to the development of their transversal skills in communication and dissemination.

The 'ipIBA Day' program includes different sessions. The day will start with a scientific speed dating so that attendees can get to know each other. Afterwards, two training workshops on mindfulness (taught by Dr. García Campayo's team) and scientific dissemination will take place in a relaxed atmosphere with the RISArchers.

Next will come the competition. On the one hand, participants are asked to design a poster in scientific format and, on the other hand, present the doctoral thesis in an informative tone in just three minutes. Both the author of the best poster and the two first classified in the thesis competition will be awarded €400 and €100 in training respectively and the second classified will be awarded a complete batch of Tolosana products.

You can consult the rules of the call and the registration form for the ipIBA DAY 2022 contests at base document and registration form.

Finally, the day will conclude with a lunch to share experiences and talk about the next edition, given the support that this initiative hopes to obtain.
The deadline to sign up ends on May 13. Registrations, both to be a listener and to participate in the contests, can be formalized through the QR code on the advertising poster and all questions can be sent to the email address seminaripiba@gmail.com

Collaborating in this activity are Spanish Association Against Cancer, Cake shop Tolosana, Panishop y Eboca.


Lorente de Nó Assembly Hall, CIBA Building, Zaragoza.

Sign up


31 May 2022
9: 00 am - 2: 00 pm
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IIS Aragon
See the Organizer's website