Continuing Training Program in Heart Failure. 2nd Edition

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Continuing Training Program in Heart Failure. 2nd Edition

November 29, 2023 - November 30, 2023

El Aragon Health Research Institute in collaboration with Aragonese Health Service and University of Zaragoza they organize on Wednesday November 29 and Thursday, November 30 el Continuing Training Program in Heart Failure. 2nd Edition at the “Lozano Blesa” University Clinical Hospital, Zaragoza



Heart failure is a disease with a high prevalence in society, and is the leading cause of hospitalization in Internal Medicine services. It is a complex disease, which requires a multidisciplinary approach and with extensive content that is constantly updated. This is reflected in the recent publication of new management guidelines for this disease by the main scientific societies involved in heart failure. Therefore, it is required to carry out activities where the news related to said disease is summarized in a simple and practical way.

Aimed at:

Professionals involved in the care and monitoring of patients with heart failure (doctors specializing in Internal Medicine, Cardiology, nephrology, and Family and Community Medicine, etc.)

Dates: Wednesday, November 29 and Thursday, November 30

Organizing committee:
Dr. Beatriz Amores Arriaga
Coordinator of the Emergency Service of the HCU “Lozano Blesa” (Zaragoza).
Dr. Silvia Crespo Aznárez
Internal Medicine Service. “Reina Sofía” Hospital (Tudela)
Dr. Vanesa Garcés Horna
Internal Medicine Service. HCU “Lozano Blesa” (Zaragoza)
Dr. Claudia Josa Laorden
Internal Medicine Service. Royo Villanova Hospital (Zaragoza)
Dr. Marta Sánchez Marteles
Internal Medicine Service. HCU “Lozano Blesa” (Zaragoza)
Members of the heart failure research group at IIS Aragón (GIIS043)
Accreditation: requested for continuing training accreditation from the Aragonese Health Service and the Aragon Health Research Institute (IIS Aragón).

•Presentations: “Antonio Millastre Hall”. 1st HCU Floor
•Internships: University of Zaragoza


150 applications will be accepted in order of registration until November 19, 2023. The issuance of the certificate will require 80% attendance.

Registration Konsulta'm


It begins:
November 29, 2023
November 30, 2023
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