Tomorrow, Wednesday, September 25, 2019, the presentation will take place at the BIFI of the European project FLAV4AMR which will contribute to the fight against antimicrobial resistance.
FLAV4AMR It is a Spanish-French-German collaboration endowed with €1.1M to develop antimicrobials. It is coordinated by Javier Sancho, with the key help of José Antonio Aínsa, and two French groups (Eliette Touati from the Institut Pasteur and Alain Bousquet-Melou from the National Veterinary School of Toulouse) and one German group (Ulrich E. Schaibel from the Centro Hamburg Borstel).
The presentation of the project will take place at 10:00 a.m. in the i+D Building with the participation of:
On Thursday, September 26, the Open Scientific Conference will take place (at BIFI) where, in addition to the researchers from the FLAV4AMR project, various experts from the Ebro Valley will give talks such as Carmen Torres (U de la Rioja), Iñigo Lasa (U. de Navarra), Gemma Belli (U. Lleida), Ángel Lanas (from the IIS), José Ramón Paño (from the IIS), Rafael Pagán (IA2) and Diego García (IA2).