According to the WHO, 39% of the world's population is overweight, and 13% obese, more than 700 million people, and the rate has tripled since 1975. Every year 2,8 million people die due to obesity and overweight. In Spain, 22% of adults are obese. Obesity is a chronic disease, characterized by an excessive accumulation of body fat. It is a public health problem linked to coronary heart disease, diabetes and hypertension, among others.
Campaigns to promote physical exercise and healthy eating, which are becoming more important every day, are the main pillars of the fight against this pandemic. But what is obesity? Is it a disease or a group of diseases? Does it have an environmental or genetic basis, or both? Is its origin in the brain? How does the body know what calories to consume and expend? How is our brain related to the intestines, and vice versa? What are the mechanisms that deregulate the action of the hypothalamus on the control of appetite and body weight? What studies are currently being done to reverse this pandemic? Could obesity be "cured" in the future?
Miguel López, NeurObesity Group, CiMUS, University of Santiago de Compostela.
Sonia Fernández Veledo, Pere Virgili Health Research Institute (IISPV), Joan XXIII University Hospital of Tarragona, CIBERDEM.
Cristina Sáez, journalist specialized in science, health, environment and digital culture.
Thursday, May 27 at 19.00:XNUMX p.m.