The fundamental objective of this round table is to delve deeper into vaccines as instruments for innovation, against the backdrop of the health problems we are going through as a result of Covid-19 and how to alleviate the lethal effects of the coronavirus. Professionals with a long scientific career, backed by their recognized international prestige, in the field of virology will participate, who will tell us about the vaccines against Sars-cov-2, their current status, advantages and the clinical trials that are being carried out. carried out in hospitals and a vision of global projection.
Mariano Esteban Rodriguez
CSIC research professor at the National Center for Biotechnology.
Luis Enjuanes Sánchez
Director of the Coronavirus Center. National Center for Biotechnology.
Juan Carlos López Bernaldo de Quirós
Gregorio Marañón University Hospital in Madrid.
They present:
Federico Mayor Zaragoza
President of the Scientific Council of the Ramón Areces Foundation.
Angel Villar
Vice President of the Royal National Academy of Pharmacy.
Honorio Bando
Academic of the Royal National Academy of Pharmacy.
Wednesday, October 21, at 19:00 p.m.