The Night of the Researchers

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The Night of the Researchers

September 30, 2022

This next Friday 30 September 2022 A new edition of the European Researcher's Night is celebrated, The Night of the Researchers. Through this celebration, the University of Zaragoza - in collaboration with the rest of the G9 Group universities - will bring science closer to citizens through more than 90 activities next Friday, September 30 in the cities of Teruel, Huesca and Zaragoza, including As usual, the participation of members of the Agri-Food Institute of Aragon (IA2) was present.

In Zaragoza, within the so-called «Experiment area» (Patio del Paraninfo, 17:00 p.m. to 19:45 p.m.), researchers from the LAGENBIO group will offer two demonstrations: «GSI: Genetic Scene Investigation» y «Determination of pH with red cabbage». For her part, the researcher Irene Perez Ibarra will offer in «European Corner» the talk «Diversity and evolution of rules and norms for the shared use of natural resources». Also in the talks section he will participate Regina Lázaro Gistau, who will take a tour of «Food champions» (Aula Magna Room, 18:00 p.m. to 18:45 p.m.).

In Huesca within the «Experiment area» (Plaza de Navarra, 17:30 p.m. to 20:30 p.m.), Maria Videgain will participate with the activity «Preserving soil health» together with David Badía Villas from the IUCA. In the Huesca Casino (Blue Room), within the section «I'll tell you my research in 10 minutes», the researcher Nuria Garatachea will offer the talk «Physical exercise and the fountain of eternal youth»; later he will also intervene German Vicente with the talk titled «"It's better to move than heal".

In addition to the official G9Missions project, the associated event will take place at CaixaForum Zaragoza «The Night of Investigation» which will also have the presence of IA2 researchers. In the «Research Fair» (CaixaForum terrace) the projects will be presented «Messengers of Global Health» of CITA, «Nourishing Vocations V» y «Evidence bites» of IA2.

Complete UNIZAR program Activities at CAIXAFORUM


September 30, 2022
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