“Healthy Aging” Conference

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“Healthy Aging” Conference

November 18, 2021 @ 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm

El Aragon Health Research Institute (IIS Aragón), organized with the collaboration of Ibercaja Foundation this "Cycle of keynote lectures» with the aim of promoting the cardiovascular health of the Aragonese.

The cycle consisting of five “keynote lectures” scheduled for the months of June, September, October, November and December, and covers different themes: sleep breathing disorders, dialogue about our habits, nutrition in early childhood, healthy aging, and finally our genes, all of them especially interesting subjects in the care of our cardiovascular health.PROGRAMME

  • “The challenge of aging well.”

Gives the Dr. Elena Lobo School, professor of Preventive Medicine and Public Health at the University of Zaragoza. Researcher at the Aragón Health Research Institute (IIS Aragón). Researcher at the Mental Health Network Biomedical Research Center (CIBERSAM).

Today, most people live to be seventy or older. Although it is often assumed that increased longevity comes with more years of good health, the reality is that The data does not suggest that today's older people have better health than their parents at the same age. On the other hand, we have more evidence than ever about the factors that affect health in advanced age. Most health problems in the elderly are the result of chronic diseases that can be prevented or, at least, delay. We know that the Healthy Habits are associated with lower risk of disease throughout life, but there is also evidence about the benefits of, for example, healthy nutrition, physical activity or carrying out activities that stimulate cognition, at very advanced ages. On the other hand, the physical and social environments that people inhabit They also have an impact on health, either directly or indirectly through obstacles or incentives that affect opportunities, decisions and behavior. The most recent scientific research provides us with some keys in this regard and everything indicates that the challenge of aging well is not only an individual issue but also a matter for society as a whole.

  • “The influence of diet on frailty syndrome in older adults.”

Gives the Dr. Pilar Guallar Castillón, professor of Preventive Medicine and Public Health at the Autonomous University of Madrid. Researcher at IMDEA Food.

El adult frailty syndrome major is characterized by the inability to cope included to minor health problems. The good news is that frailty syndrome is potentially preventable. This session addresses how we should eat to prevent fragility. We will analyze some aspects such as the consumption of proteins, olive oil, following the Mediterranean diet and avoiding the consumption of ultra-processed foods.

  • Colloquium that moderate: 

Dr. Miguel A. Guerrero Cásedas. Responsible for the Ibercaja Prevention Service.
Dr. Mª José Rabanaque Hernández. Professor of Preventive Medicine and Public Health at the University of Zaragoza. Researcher at the Aragón Health Research Institute (IIS Aragón).

*It is an essential requirement to be registered in the activity to be able to attend.

Ibercaja Patio de la Infanta. Saragossa
San Ignacio de Loyola, 16. Zaragoza (ZARAGOZA)


November 18, 2021
7: 00 pm - 8: 30 pm
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