On the occasion of the publication of the “Intramural Call for Research Promotion of the IIS Aragón 2022”, an initiative aimed at supporting researchers and research groups at the IIS Aragón, aid will be awarded to the most prominent consolidated, emerging and associated groups, as well as mobility grants for research residents and predoctoral researchers, grants for hiring faculty personnel to train in research and grants for research communication actions.
12:00 – 12:20 p.m. Inauguration of the Day
Mrs. Sira Repollés Lasheras. Minister of Health of the Government of Aragon.
Mr. José Antonio Mayoral Murillo. Rector of the University of Zaragoza
Mr. Ángel Lanas Arbeloa. Scientific Director of the Aragón Health Research Institute
12:20 – 13:20 p.m. Special Guest Presentations
Dr. Patricia Sancho Andrés. Researcher Miguel Servet from IIS Aragón.
Dr. José Ramón Seoane Trigo. General Director of the Autonomous University of Madrid Foundation.
13:20 p.m. – 13:50 p.m. Delivery of IIS Aragón 2022 Aid
Action Support Figure Resident Investigator
Predoctoral Researcher Support Action
Rector Manuel López Support Action for Groups
Support Action for PostFSE Contracts
Support Action for Research Communication Actions
13:50 p.m. – 14:00 p.m. Closing of the Day