All predoctoral researchers at the Aragón Health Research Institute are invited to participate in the 'ipIBA Day', prioritizing registration to people who are doing their doctorate, although if there are extra places we will include other groups in order of registration.
It will take place on June 2, 2023 from 8:15 a.m. to 14:30 p.m. in the Lorente de No Assembly Hall, CIBA
For scientific poster you have to prepare a Abstract with the following requirements:
1. The text must be written in English language
2. The maximum extension allowed is 250 words
3. It must contain the following sections: introduction, materials and methods and results.
4. Scientific character
Byto Thesis in 3 minutes you have to prepare a Abstract with the following requirements:
1. The text must be written in Spanish language
2. Maximum extension of 250 words
3. It must contain the following sections:
I. Theme.
II. Goals.
III. Qidentified problems.
IV. Contribution of said research to the solution of the identified problems
V. Impact of work on society and the scientific community.
4. Informative nature
They will finally be selected 15 abstracts for the scientific poster y 10 abstracts for thesis in 3 minutes
Lorente de Nó Assembly Hall, CIBA Building, Zaragoza.
Collaborating in this activity are Spanish Association Against Cancer, Cake shop Tolosana y Eboca.
Sign upParticipation document