The next Friday November 17, from 10:30 a.m. to 13:30 p.m.., within the framework of science week, a conference organized by ARAID is hosted at Mobility City under the title «Knowledge generation and public-private collaboration: Future visions for an evolving society» that shows the great success of ARAID researchers in the latest calls of the Ministry of Science and Innovation of the Government of Spain. It will be open to the general public, but also to research and cluster managers.
After the conference, attendees will visit the Mobility City Museum and will be able to learn about all the innovations related to the sustainable mobility sector.
10:30 IGNACIO CAZCARRO CASTELLANO (ARAID Researcher at IA2, University of Zaragoza) – Opening event
10:40 CRISTINA POZO GONZALO (ARAID Researcher at ICB, CSIC Aragón) – “Sustainable energy storage systems: from active materials to the manufacture of batteries”
10:50 DAVID ÍÑIGUEZ DIESTE (ARAID Researcher at BIFI, University of Zaragoza) – «Supercomputing, complexity and its applications»
11:00 JOSÉ FÉLIX MUÑOZ SORO (ARAID Researcher at WALQA Legal Laboratory) – “The regulation of blockchain and artificial intelligence in financial services”
11:10 IGNACIO CAZCARRO CASTELLANO (ARAID Researcher at IA2, University of Zaragoza) – «Multi-sector and Multi-regional Models for a just ecological transition»
11:20 EMILIO JOSÉ JUÁREZ PÉREZ (ARAID Researcher at INMA, University of Zaragoza) – “Porcelain stoneware substrate for architectural integration of perovskite photovoltaic cells”
11:30 JORGE ANGÁS PAJAS (ARAID Researcher at the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters, University of Zaragoza) – «Digital Twins for the conservation of cultural heritage: management, monitoring and interpretation of geospatial data. DiGHER»
12:15 PERE BOVER ARBÓS (ARAID Researcher at IUCA, University of Zaragoza) - «Is evolutionary history repeating itself? The answer could lie in oceanic island birds
12:30 SEBASTIÁN COBARRUBIAS (ARAID Researcher at the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters, University of Zaragoza) – «The relationship between migration management and racialization»
12:45 JUAN PEDRO FERRIO DIAZ (ARAID Researcher at CITA) – “Physiology of quercine host colonized by truffle: water and nutritional limitations”
13:00 GRACIELA GIL ROMERA (ARAID Researcher at IPE, CSIC Aragón) – “How ecosystems have resisted the changes of the past: re-wiring after the blackout”
13:15 LAURA ORDOVAS VIDAL (ARAID Researcher at I3A, University of Zaragoza) – »New models for new therapies, and vice versa, to fight cardiac health challenges»
13:30 IGNACIO CAZCARRO CASTELLANO (ARAID Researcher at IA2, University of Zaragoza) - Closing event