EATRIS Summer School in Personalized Medicine

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EATRIS Summer School in Personalized Medicine

14 June, 2021

The first EATRIS-Plus Summer School in Personalized Medicine will take place virtually on June 14-18, 2021.

The summer school curriculum is designed to address a wide array of topics from omic-based strategies and structural pillars of personalized medicine to biomarkers, pre-clinical models, clinical trials and regulatory aspects, as well as health economics, reimbursement strategies, and patient engagement .

  • Date: June 14-18, 2021
  • Fully virtual, daily sessions between 10.00 -13.00 CET
  • Free of charge
  • Up to 40 participants will be accepted (PhD students, Postdocs, researchers, academics, medical doctors, clinicians, and healthcare industry professionals)
  • Deadline for applications: May 17, 2021.

For full program click on the button down below and for the application please see here (

The Summer School is held within the framework of EATRIS-Plus Project, that is a 4-year H2020 funded flagship initiative in personalized medicine, coordinated by EATRIS ERIC. EATRIS-Plus Summer School is organized by project partners INFARMED – EATRIS Portugal, in collaboration with University of Ljubljana – EATRIS Slovenia.


EATRIS is the European network of research infrastructures in translational medicine, that is, applied biomedical research, established by the European Commission in 2013. Its objective is to establish a European infrastructure specialized in biomedicine to optimize the access of basic research results to clinical applications, which is capable of achieving a significant impact on health care and contributing to the progress of biomedical tools and technologies.

EATRIS provides simple and centralized access to the technologies and capabilities of the best European institutions and companies.

IIS Aragón is a member institution of Eatris since 2020.

Full Program


14 June, 2021
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