EATRIS Spain+Portugal: “Biomarker Success Stories: from bench to the clinical practice. Barriers, tips and tricks.”

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EATRIS Spain+Portugal: “Biomarker Success Stories: from bench to the clinical practice. Barriers, tips and tricks.”

November 30, 2021

the seminar “Biomarker Success Stories: from bench to the clinical practice. Barriers, tips and tricks”, organized by EATRIS Spain+Portugal, will take place next November 30 from 16:00 to 18:00 CET.

The seminar will consist of 4 short talks (two from each node) and a round table to discuss best practices and tips for translating research into clinical practice.
The presentations selected by the Scientific Committee have been:

Josep Quer (VHIR) – Diagnostic solutions for Hepatitis C virus (HCV) based on Next-generation sequencing (NGS)
Inmaculada Ibañez (IDIPAZ) – miR7-MAFG axis associated aptamer technology for the diagnosis and treatment of Non-small-cell lung carcinoma (NSCLC).

The agenda for the day will be attached soon.




November 30, 2021
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