DIAMOOC: Integrated AI Design and Engineering of 3D Bioprinted Multi-Organoids on Chip for Tumor Diagnosis and Therapy
Short bios of the speakers
Dr. Yuwen Cui is currently a professor at Nanjing Tech University, technical leader of the material AI- design platform of the Yangtze Delta Region Institute of Advanced Materials, chief scientist of the National Key R&D Program
Dr Hongli Mao obtained his PhD in Materials Science and Engineering from the University of Tsukuba, Japan in July 2014. His main research interests include polymer biomaterials, tissue engineering, regenerative medicine, and 3D bioprinting.
Dr. Aimin Zhang is a senior researcher at Yunnan Precious Metal New Materials Holding Group Co., Ltd. in China, specializing in material genome engineering and catalytic materials with precious metals.
Dr. Lu Wang is currently a research assistant professor at Nanjing Hospital of Chinese Medicine Affiliated to Nanjing University of Chinese Medicine, assistant director of the Provincial Clinical Innovation Center of TCM for Anorectal Diseases, youth member of Organoid and Organ Chip Committee of Jiangsu Research Hospital Society.
Conference location: Biomedical Research Center of Aragón, C. de San Juan Bosco, 13, 50009 Zaragoza
Draft agenda Registration