El Aragonese Institute of Health Sciences in collaboration with Aragon Health Research Institute They organize from September 11 to October 22, 2023 (20 hours) el Course «Statistical inference applied to biomedical studies (1st Ed. 2023)»
Statistical inference is a fundamental field in scientific research. Collecting data and describing it are only the first steps in understanding a phenomenon, but statistical inference allows conclusions to be drawn beyond the observed data. It allows us to make decisions about an entire population, based on what we know about a representative sample of data. For example, statistical inference is used to determine whether a medical treatment is effective or not; or to determine the association between exposure to a risk factor and the onset of a disease.
A solid understanding of inferential statistics is of great importance for designing and analyzing empirical studies, for quantifying uncertainty and providing appropriate solutions to substantive questions. However, researchers are often prone to making many conceptual errors regarding this topic. An inadequate understanding of statistical inference can lead to erroneous conclusions and non-reproducible results, negatively affecting the credibility of scientific research. In this course we will discuss statistical inference in the current context of the “replication crisis”, and in relation to the challenges posed by the rise of Big Data, machine learning and selection bias effects (eg cherry picking, multiple testing, data dredging and P-hacking). This is crucial to confronting the problems of induction, falsification, and demarcation of science from pseudoscience, and serves as a lynchpin for understanding and overcoming statistical wars.
This course guides you through the methods, techniques, and statistical calculations necessary to succeed in the field of biomedicine. Each new concept is systematically developed through fully worked out examples of current medical research problems.
Pre-registration deadline: September 3, 2023
Format: Online with the following 5 webinar sessions: September 14, 20, 27 and October 4 and 18. Hours from 16:30 p.m. to 18 p.m.