The Aragonese Institute of Health Sciences organizes the Research Methodology Course from February 28 to June 5, 2022. Basic level.
Excellent health care is based on correct management and transfer of knowledge. In this sense, progress in the knowledge of health determinants, the natural history of the disease, therapeutic and diagnostic aspects, as well as the functioning of health services has a positive impact on the services provided to society, both in terms of health and efficiency.
For this reason, health research becomes crucial for the sustainability and quality of the health system. In fact, the Aragon 2030 Health Plan in area 4. Information, research and training for health and specifically in objective 2 talks about promoting research and innovation on health, its determinants and inequalities to improve the capacity of response of the health system to current challenges and the priorities set by the Plan itself.
Research methodology is a discipline that contemplates the following sequence: 1. Adequately use prior knowledge to generate research hypotheses. 2. Choose the appropriate research design to answer the research question. 3. Adequately design the databases in order to facilitate subsequent statistical analysis. 4. Choose the statistical techniques appropriate to the selected research design. 5. Interpret the results of the statistical analysis. 6. Carry out correct communication of the results.
In order to introduce HEALTH care professionals and personnel who are beginning their research career by joining research groups to the foundations and applications of this discipline, a course on “Research Methodology” of a theoretical-practical nature is proposed with an estimated duration of 80 hours.
Program and registration