El Aragonese Institute of Health Sciences adjacent to Aragon Health Research Institute organize of February 28 to March 31, 2022 el Course «Descriptive analysis and basic statistics in biomedical studies (R and Rmarkdown) (2022 Edition)».
Professionals from the Aragonese Health System, and/or research staff from the IIS Aragón who carry out research within a research team, who require the use of this type of methodology to carry out their research work. (20 places)
Selection criteria
The selection criteria will be:
HEALTH professionals who belong to a research group.
HEALTH professionals who wish to begin research work.
Professionals assigned to IIS Aragón research groups not included in the two previous groups who develop clinical research and with preference for emerging groups.
Pre-registration Order.
In the selection, an attempt will be made to guarantee that the different health sectors of Aragon are represented in the activity.
For in-person sessions, it is essential to bring your own laptop.
We speak of statistics, when we think of a relationship of numerical data presented in an orderly and systematic way and we speak of biostatistics when referring to a branch of statistics that deals with the problems raised within the life sciences, such as biology, medicine, among others.
Knowledge of biostatistics can help the health professional to better interpret the results of original articles they review, allowing them to understand many of the technicalities found in them and judge them critically.
Statistical analysis using R software allows not only to analyze these data with basic statistical techniques, but also allows carrying out analyzes using more complex models that are not available in other programs designed for data analysis. The flexibility of the R environment also allows the user to create high-level graphics that allow the information being processed to be efficiently displayed. R is also a programming language that allows the researcher to create their own functions to facilitate, for example, massive data analysis.
Currently, many scientific journals ask researchers that their work be reproducible from a statistical point of view. R is the most used software for this task thanks to the possibility of integrating R code into text documents, LaTeX or even HTML pages. Since R follows the “open source” philosophy, many researchers make libraries, functions and examples available to the scientific community that facilitate the analysis of all types of biomedical data even for those who do not have advanced statistical or programming knowledge. .
Provide basic statistical tools for research in health sciences.
Introduce the student to the statistical language R through basic programming that allows them to create their own functions to perform simple tasks, as well as creating high-level graphics.
Specific objectives
Introduce the student to the R statistical language.
Teach the student how to import and manage their databases in the R environment.
Introduce the student to univariate and bivariate descriptive analysis using R.
Initiate the student in creating high-level graphics using specific libraries for this task.
Create reproducible reports using R
Pre-registration deadline: January 30, 2022
Online with:
2 Live Webinar Sessions: March 7 and 21 (16:30 p.m. – 18:00 p.m.)
2 face-to-face sessions (CIBA):
Subgroup 1: March 14 and 28 from 16 p.m. to 19 p.m.
Subgroup 2: March 15 and 29 from 9 p.m. to 12 p.m.
Program and registration