World Cancer Research Day
From the Scientific Foundation of the Spanish Association Against Cancer, we invite you to join on September 24 at World Cancer Research Day (WCRD).
How can your center and its researchers join the movement?
By sharing its materials, you can download them this article.
Following our social networks and supporting the campaign with the hastag #WorldCancerResearchDay. You can tag us on the following accounts:
• Twitter (@WCRD24Sept)
• Facebook (@WorldCancerResearchDay)
• Instagram (@worldcancerresearchday)
Don't miss the news about the WCRD in our website.
For more information about this campaign, see this video.
We are organizing two events on different days that we encourage you to follow digitally:
· September 22 at 16:00 p.m.: CANCER RESEARCH WORKS – IMPROVING CANCER PATIENTS SURVIVAL WORLDWIDE, which will bring together internationally recognized experts who will share their experiences and strategies to make cancer research work, achieving significant advances that will improve survival rates and the quality of life of cancer patients around the worldRegistration link).
· September 24 at 10:00 p.m.: AECC Dialogues, a meeting with patients where we will give a voice to those patients with low or stagnant survival, demanding that all cancers be investigated as necessary (Event link).