Horizon IIS Aragón 2025 for the promotion of internationalization (HorIISA), aims to increase participation, leadership and the rate of economic return in the Horizon Europe Program, positioning our activity at an international level and strengthening scientific alliances.
The HorIISA Cycle is aimed at both researchers and managers of European projects. The aim is to provide staff with the necessary tools to access funding and professional development opportunities in the international arena, as well as the correct management of projects and dissemination of results.
Day 1 – Get to know the Horizon Europe Programme. EIC Pathfinder Call
This initial session aims, firstly, to give an overview of the Horizon Europe Programme in order to learn about the structure and the different calls that can be found in each of the pillars. In the second part, we will go into more detail about the EIC Pathfinder (European Innovation Council) call belonging to pillar III of the programme.
Prior registration is required to participate in this event.
Organized by the Aragón Health Research Institute (IIS Aragón), in collaboration with EURO FUNDING. This conference is part of the action GPE2023-001342-P, funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033, under the acronym HorIISA: Horizon IIS Aragón 2025 for the promotion of internationalization.