This Friday, December 2, at 10 in the morning in the CIBA assembly hall, the talk "The role of diagnoses in the new roadmap for neglected tropical diseases" will take place by Israel Cruz, Head of the Department of International Health of the National School of Health, Carlos III Health Institute.
Included in this entry is a brief descriptive text of the talk topic and a summary of the speaker profile:
«The role of diagnostics in the new roadmap for neglected tropical diseases»
Accurate and reliable diagnostic tools are an essential requirement for NTD programs. However, historically little has been invested in developing and improving these, which could undermine the successes achieved over the past two decades. Recognizing this, the WHO, in its NTD roadmap 2021-2030, has identified diagnosis as one of four priority areas that require concerted action to achieve the stated objectives. As a result, WHO established a Diagnostic Technical Advisory Group to serve as a collaborative mechanism to drive progress in this area. We will review the context and challenges faced in the development of diagnostics for NTDs.
Israel Cruz He is Head of the Department of International Health of the National School of Health, Carlos III Health Institute. He works on innovation and implementation research with the goal of improving access to healthcare for neglected tropical diseases (NTDs). Israel is a member of the WHO Technical Advisory Group for the Diagnosis of NTDs. Before joining the National School of Health, he directed the leishmaniasis and Buruli ulcer programs at the Foundation for Innovative New Diagnostics, Switzerland.