El Bridging RNA Biology and Therapy: Exploring the Frontiers of Advance Medicine Symposium will take place in the next few days October 9-11, 2024 in the Applied Medical Research Center (CIMA), Pamplona.
The Symposium will feature several sessions on key interconnected areas of advanced RNA research, led by some of the most prominent international speakers. They will address the latest discoveries related to the complexity of the human transcriptome and the associated mechanisms of gene regulation underlying diseases. Furthermore, the possibility of using RNA molecules as drugs to treat or prevent diseases has opened up a wide range of potential medical applications. The Symposium will showcase innovative strategies for applying RNA discoveries, including methods to facilitate their application by delivering molecules.
The sessions will offer the opportunity to make selected oral presentations based on summaries by both young and established researchers, as well as poster presentations.
(*) The deadline for sending communications is September 2 at 14:00 p.m.
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