With the objective of making known the main aspects that the RRI encompasses, the ITEMAS Platform organizes the next May 14th 2019 de 13.30 to 15.00 hours the 3rd day of the ITEMAS online training course for researchers, titled «Introduction to Innovation»
- 13´30h- 14´00h - Promotion of Innovative Culture.
- Speaker: Manuel Hervas. Responsible character. AEC
- Objective: Know the main aspects to consider to promote innovation in entities.
- 14´00h- 14´30h - Innovation management model in the Health Research Institutes.
- Speaker: Gallo Peralta. ITEMAS.IDIVAL Platform Coordinator
- Objective: To make known the innovation management model in the IIS.
- 14h-30: 15h - Legal aspects-legal framework in reference to authorship, authors' employment relationship, differences between ownership and authorship.
- Speaker: Oscar Alegre. Partner Rousaud Costas Duran (RCD).
- Objective: To make known the differences between authorship and ownership in inventions and how this impacts the legislative protection of industrial and/or intellectual property rights of inventions.
Registration (until May 12)
If you want to participate in the course, please contact the IIS Aragón Innovation Unit at innovation@iisaragon.es