El Aragon Health Research Institute in collaboration with Aragonese Health Service (SALUD) They organize on November 7, 2023 from 8:30 a.m. to 18:30 p.m. la 1st Aragonese Care Research and Innovation Conference in health
Promote and value research in health care.
Promote the translation of research and innovation results into routine clinical practice for patients and organizations.
Aimed at:
Nurses, Physiotherapists, Speech Therapists and Occupational Therapists of the Autonomous Community of Aragon with interest in research
Activity Accredited by the Continuing Training Commission of the Health Professions of Aragon with 0,6 credits.
Submission of abstracts:
Until October 8, 2023 (non-extendable date)
Location: Dr. Muñoz y Fernández HUMS Assembly Hall
Accreditation requested from the Continuing Training Commission of Health Professions of Aragon.
Link to register for the Conference:
Link to the Conference website:
Web page