The IIS Aragón presents the 'Research and Innovation Awards for Residents'
30 May 2024
9th March against Cancer in Zaragoza
31 May 2024Around 180 professionals gathered at the inauguration of the day of excellence of good practices and research projects in care, focused on projects that promote the culture of evidence-based practice
“We must promote a culture of excellence in care that translates into quality in patient care.” With this message, the general director of Care and Humanization of the Government of Aragon, Estíbaliz Tolosa, has inaugurated the 'Day of Excellence in Good Practices: Best Practice Spotlight Organization (BPSO®) and research projects in care'.
About 180 people, most of them from the field of Nursing, gathered on May 27, in the assembly hall of the Lozano Blesa University Clinical Hospital in Zaragoza to learn first-hand about projects that are being carried out in Aragonese centers with the objective of promoting a culture of evidence-based practice that improves the care provided to patients.
“It is essential to rely on scientific evidence to make homogeneous and rigorous decisions. Without forgetting that care goes beyond the purely clinical. We must offer quality care that takes into account a person-centered approach, ensuring humane and respectful treatment,” Tolosa highlighted in this regard.
The manager of the Zaragoza III Sector, Rafael Lapeña, also participated in the opening of the day, organized by the Nursing team of the Clinical Hospital; the scientific director of the Aragón Health Research Institute (IIS Aragón), Ángel Lanas; the director of the Zaragoza Nursing College, Teresa Tolosana; and the representative of the organizing committee of the day, Jesica Montero.
At this meeting, the development of new evidence through research was also discussed. And, as an example, among other projects, the activities and achievements achieved in the Program of Centers Committed to Excellence in Care (BPSO), promoted in the Zaragoza III Health Sector, have been presented. In addition, psychiatrist Nuria Núñez gave the expert professional's presentation, under the title 'Caring together: comprehensive approach to suicide prevention in adolescents and families, guided by healthcare personnel'.
Center committed to excellence
In Spain, the BPSO program began in 2012 and the Zaragoza III Health Sector was one of the seven health organizations selected – the only one in Aragon – to develop this program in the last call in 2021. Specifically, three guides are being implemented: Assessment and care for adults at risk for suicidal ideation and behavior; Support for adults expecting or living with an ostomy; and Breastfeeding care (promotion, support, exclusivity, continuation) for breastfeeding newborns and young children.
This is a national competitive call promoted by the BPSO Host-Spain Coordinating Center (Best Practice Spotlight Organization), every three years, in collaboration with the Health Care Research Unit of the Carlos III Health Institute (INVESTÉN-ISCIII ).
In order to carry out this project, it has been necessary to train professionals through a course-workshop for the implementation of good practices, with a total of 130 promoters currently in Sector III. The final objective of this program is the creation of a national network of centers that are significant and stand out for the use of practices based on the best results of care research.
Source: Government of Aragon