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12 January 2022Researchers need volunteers for nutritional intervention study on high protein diets
Applicants should write to studiodietasproteinas@gmail.com
The Primary Dyslipidemia group at the Miguel Servet University Hospital in Zaragoza is looking for volunteers to develop research that compares two types of low-calorie and high-protein diets, one based on proteins of plant origin and the other on proteins of animal origin. People who want to participate in this study must be diabetic (taking metformin) or prediabetic (with glucose > 100 mg/dL), be overweight or obese, and must be willing to follow either of the two diets that are the subject of the study, since they cannot be chosen.

This study follows a line developed at Servet for years through the Primary Dyslipidemia Unit directed by Professor of Medicine Fernando Civeira, based on the search for diets or foods that improve people's health, especially in which refers to its sugar and lipid values, whose excess consumption has a wide impact on diseases such as diabetes or cardiovascular problems. Researchers from the Aragón Health Research Institute (IIS Aragón), belonging to the Primary Dyslipidemias group led by Civeira, as well as the Network Biomedical Research Center for Cardiovascular Diseases (CIBERCV).
Nutritionist researcher Rocío Mateo Gallego, professor at the University of Zaragoza, explains that each diet is calculated in a personalized way and individual monitoring is carried out, but a high commitment is required from each volunteer. This study began in January 2020 but due to the COVID pandemic it had to be suspended. Dr. Itziar Lamiquiz-Moneo, professor at the University of Zaragoza and integrated into the same research team, she says that now the project is resumed, which will last six months and involves a series of clinical visits at the Miguel Servet hospital and other consultations that may be by telephone.
For the recruitment of volunteers, the following email has been enabled: studiodietasproteinas@gmail.com
It is only attended through this email, through which interested parties will be contacted to offer an in-person appointment.