Experts call for vaccinating the vulnerable around the world and not healthy children in developed countries
12 July 2021
"There is a risk that those infected will transmit the infection to people around them, even if they are vaccinated"
13 July 2021Almost 400 randomly selected patients between 35 and 74 years old assigned to the Arrabal and Daroca region health centers participated.
The Aragon Health Research Institute (IIS Aragón), through the Aragonese Primary Care Research Group (GAIAP), participates in the 'Desvela' project, a study that seeks to analyze the role of personal skills as determinants of behavior, the incidence of morbidity, quality of life, the use of services and mortality to understand what aspects there are that influence to improve people's health and identify what factors condition the development of knowledge about health.
To do this, 393 patients between 35 and 74 years old assigned to the health centers of Arrabal and the Daroca region have been selected, where next week they will begin to be summoned to begin field work.
This is a multicenter project with a total sample of 3.087 patients in which eight other communities are involved: Catalonia, the Basque Country, Castilla y León, Galicia, the Balearic Islands, Castilla – La Mancha, Andalusia and Madrid. Random sampling has been carried out by age groups following the population pyramid in both urban and rural health centers, since the results are also influenced by variables such as place of residence, socioeconomic level, occupation, stress or anxiety levels.
In this sense, the Zaragoza towns in which this research will be carried out are, in addition to Daroca, Villanueva del Jiloca, Val de San Martín, Orcajo Lechón, Murero, Villahermosa del Campo, Romanos, Langa del Castillo, Mainar, Villadoz, Villareal from Huerva, Torralbilla, Cerveruela, Used, Aldehuela de Liestos, Torralba de los Frailes, Gallocanta, Las Cuerlas and Cubel.
The project, financed by the Carlos III Health Institute and the European Regional Development Funds (ERDF), consists of two parts. On the one hand, the quantitative study includes an interview with the candidates in which they will be asked questions related to their lifestyle, quality of life and personal characteristics, in addition to undergoing a physical examination and a blood test.
On the other hand, for the quantitative part, small groups of between eight and twelve people will be formed who will present their ideas, customs and beliefs related to health, which will allow us to know their opinions and create a debate among the participants about these aspects. social. "With this study, we try to observe the relationship that our behaviors and attitudes have towards ourselves and towards health that allows us to achieve a better quality of life, healthy lifestyles, a reduction in the risk of suffering from diseases and a decrease of the use of health services,” explained Rosa Magallón, principal investigator of the GAIAP of the IIS Aragón and doctor at the Arrabal health center.
This study is part of the doctoral thesis of Fátima Méndez, predoctoral fellow and researcher at the GAIAP of the IIS Aragón. “Health promotion and disease prevention strategies are effective in chronic diseases. Knowledge of behavioral changes in improvements in chronic conditions makes it possible to develop individual interventions and design others aimed directly at improving these capacities,” she noted. “Likewise, reducing the burden of the disease on society would improve people's quality of life and reduce costs in the health system,” added Méndez.