The IIS Aragón launches new accounts on Instagram and Facebook
21 June, 2023
Countdown to the III School of Cellular and Molecular Biology of Cancer, organized by the IIS Aragón
23 June, 2023The project AI4HealthyAging, carried out jointly by 15 organizations including the IIS Aragón, has won the 'ICT Initiative Mention' from the Festival, a reference event in the information and communication technologies sector.
The Festibity Mentions are the awards given by the Faculty of Informatics of Barcelona (FIB) and FIB Alumni On the occasion of the celebration of the Festibity, a recognition of the work of leading people or companies in the field of information technologies. Within the four categories, AI4HealthyAging has been the winner of the 'Mention in the ICT Initiative'. This distinction recognizes that project that has recently stood out in the theme discussed at the Festibity which, in the case of this edition, referred to 'Technology with purpose, one that helps improve the quality of people. Important award that was collected on Wednesday, June 21 at the Teatre Lliure de Montjuïc in the 20th edition of this renowned gala.

AI4HealthyAging is a project aimed at early detection of diseases derived from aging through Artificial Intelligence. Its execution is carried out through a public-private consortium made up of 15 entities and has a budget of 12,5 million euros, the financing of which is part of the Artificial Intelligence R&D Missions 2021 program. Government of Aragon participates through the Aragonese Institute of Health Sciences and the Aragon Health Research Institute, who They provide knowledge in the analysis of health data and in the conduct of clinical trials or cohort design with patients.. On the other hand, Technological Institute of Aragon It provides the most technological part, establishing guidelines for the storage of information and how to improve its interpretation. In addition, The project also incorporates the private initiative, with Podoactiva and BitBrain, who add their specialized knowledge to detect indicators that allow them to anticipate the evolution of diseases linked to mobility and neurodegenerative diseases.
A comprehensive project that aims to have developed before 2025 a solution that allows health professionals diagnose diseases early, study their trajectories, identify biomarkers and even identify the best interventions for each patient that can help slow down and even reverse the change in the body associated with aging. In fact, the diseases that this project addresses are heart disease, sarcopenia, sleep disorders, Parkinson's, different pathologies related to Mental Health such as dementia or Alzheimer's, prostate cancer and hearing loss.
The project, which has a budget of 12,5 million euros financed through the Next Generation EU funds, is included within the 'Artificial Intelligence R&D Missions 2021' program of the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Digital Transformation, in addition to being part of the Digital Spain 2025 agenda and the National Artificial Intelligence Strategy.