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24 May 2021Both entities sign an agreement to carry out joint actions in this field
The Aragón Health Research Institute (IIS Aragón) and the Aragonese Guardianship Association for Intellectual Disabilities (ATADES) have signed a collaboration agreement to promote research in the field of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), a group for which this non-profit association develops the specialized program a Autism and that includes a line of R&D work aimed at people who suffer from it and their families.
Thus, the IIS Aragón and ATADES will work together to develop and design research, innovation, training and dissemination activities on this disorder and will organize meetings, conferences and conferences aimed at exchanging information between specialists in this field, in addition to carrying out actions solidarity to make visible the demands of people who suffer from ASD.
The IIS Aragón will channel these projects through its program Neuroscience, mental health and sense organs, coordinated by Dr. Antonio Lobo.
Óscar López, executive director of IIS Aragón, and Félix Arrizabalaga, manager of ATADES, participated in the signing of the agreement. "The signing of this agreement means expanding one of our scientific programs with a new line of research in ASD and we want to focus on its joint development with ATADES," said López.
For his part, Arrizabalaga highlights that “for years ATADES has wanted to open a line of research in Aragon on autism spectrum disorder and now the first step has been taken in this direction so that in 2022 the first position for a researcher will be created. for ASD.”
Resource Network
a.Autism It has been configured as a network of resources whose objective is to design and apply intervention models that respond comprehensively to the needs of people with ASD and their families, throughout their entire life project. It aims to provide coverage and enable the necessary support for the person with ASD for their self-determination, insertion and comprehensive development, so that they can acquire the skills and receive the necessary support to improve their quality of life.
This is an innovative proposal, which combines the specialization and adaptation of previously existing and operational resources in ATADES and the creation of two new areas of work: Adult Unit and the Center for Resources and Support Specialized in ASD.