Aragón leads the creation of a new tool to fight cancer cells from within
September 10, 2019
The Clinician applies a technique for patients with peritoneal cancer
September 12, 2019The first breakfast will be held on Wednesday, September 18 in Huesca and will be led by the scientist Alberto Jiménez Schuhmacher.
Aspanoa and the Aragón Health Research Institute (IIS Aragón) will organize informative breakfasts in different parts of the Community in the coming months with the aim of explaining why this decade is being decisive in the war against cancer and what the treatments will be like in a few years. years. All of this with the aim of trying to bring science, and the daily work of researchers, closer to society.
The first of these breakfasts will be held on Wednesday, September 18 at the Caja Rural de Aragón-Bantierra building in Huesca (Ramón Berenguer, 2), starting at 9.30:XNUMX a.m., and will star the scientist Alberto Jiménez Schuhmacher. The head of the Molecular Oncology Group at IIS Aragón will explain the great advances that have been achieved in recent years and what are the major lines of research that are currently open.
This breakfast, open to the public and free upon registration on the Aspanoa website (www.aspanoa.org), has the support of the Caja Rural de Aragón Foundation and the collaboration of Official College of Pharmacists of Huesca y SME Marketing. It will also detail the incidence of childhood cancer in the Alto Aragonese province.
Alberto Jimenez Schuhmacher (Zaragoza, 1980) is a reference in cancer research in Aragon and has received different recognitions such as Favorite Son of Zaragoza (2017) or Aragonese of the Year (2018). One of his main lines of research is “virtual biopsy”, a method with which he seeks to obtain as much information as possible about some tumors without having to touch them.
This technique would be especially valuable in those tumors that, due to the area in which they are located, are almost impossible to biopsy, making it difficult for doctors to obtain information about them without putting the patient at risk. This is the case of diffuse trunk glioma - also called DIPG -, a rare childhood tumor that is found in a particularly delicate area of the brain. Aspanoa, in fact, is financing this Schuhmacher project against the DIPG with an investment of 60.000 euros.
The IIS Aragón is the Health Research Institute of the Hospital Complex formed by the Lozano Blesa University Clinical Hospital, the Miguel Servet University Hospital and Primary Care of the Aragonese Health Service together with the University of Zaragoza and the Aragonese Institute of Health Sciences. With more than 80 research groups structured into 6 programs, the IIS Aragón integrates health professionals, researchers and teachers, bringing together basic and applied, clinical and health services research, to create a quality scientific, healthcare and training environment.
Aspanoa is the association that has been caring for children with cancer in Aragon and their families for more than 30 years. The Association of Parents of Children with Cancer of Aragón also allocates important resources to research against childhood cancer, currently 260.000 euros in two projects that are being developed at the IIS Aragón. They are led by scientists Julián Pardo and Alberto Jiménez Schuhmacher and are, precisely, the first two projects against childhood cancer in the history of the Community.