Sonia Santos Lasaosa: “The best hypotheses are those that you can explain in a minute”
October 2, 2024A prestigious journal publishes one of the latest research projects of the Precision Medicine in Respiratory Diseases (PRES) group of the IIS Aragón
October 3, 2024On Monday 30th, the IIS Aragón and other institutions met at the Auditorium of the University of Zaragoza to share experiences and progress on the HR Excellence in Research Seal
El Aragon Health Research Institute participated last July 30 September in the day on the HRS4R stamp in Aragon. Representatives from the institutions CSIC, Fundación Araid, CIRCE, IACS, UNIZAR and IIS Aragón met to share experiences on the HRS4R Seal, a European recognition of good practices in human resources for researchers.
The conference emphasized collaboration between institutions to overcome the challenges of reaccreditation and strengthen human resources policies in the scientific field. Representatives of the IIS Aragón attended Oscar López, Executive Director, Sergio Cervero, Project Coordinator and Scientific Management, Andrea Vaquerizo, HR department and Alicia ferrer, Projects and Scientific Management Unit. Sergio Cervero participated as a speaker and as a member of the discussion panel.
The Human Resources Strategy Seal – HRS4R
The HRS4R Seal is awarded by the European Commission to institutions that follow the guidelines of the European Charter for Researchers and Code of Conduct for the Hiring of Researchers. This recognition aims to promote the Transparency, equity and professional development of researchers, ensuring that human resources practices are aligned with international standards. In the You can learn more about this seal on the IIS Aragón website.
The HRS4R Seal at the IIS Aragon
From 2016, the IIS Aragón has worked constantly on the implementation of the HRS4R Seal, which has allowed it to improve its human resources policies for the benefit of its researchers. Currently, The institute is in the process of reaccreditation, which represents a key opportunity to demonstrate its commitment to excellence and the professional development of its scientific team.
This seal is crucial for the IIS Aragón, since facilitates the attraction of talent, encourages international collaboration and guarantees a work environment which respects the highest standards in the recruitment and management of research staff. Reaccreditation involves a thorough analysis of the strengths and areas for improvement, which drives the IIS Aragón to continue advancing towards excellence in human resources. In addition, the institute is developing a communication plan to publicize this recognition.