Aragonese with cardiovascular risk factors visit the Primary Care doctor 10 times a year and the Nursing 7 times a year
30 April 2024The POCTEFA TEA PIR project takes its first steps to rethink public policies focused on autism
6 May 2024The session will take place at the San Valero Center on May 9, from 16:00 p.m. to 20:00 p.m.
An event dedicated to innovation in the healthcare field, framed in the “Patient in Science” project of the IIS Aragón in collaboration with FECYT
The workshop “Easy innovation in the healthcare field. CIR Methodology” will take place in the San Valero Center next Thursday, May 9, from 16:00 p.m. to 20:00 p.m. This session aims to ensure that attendees know and use the CIR methodology, one of the techniques used at the IIS Aragón in innovation projects carried out with patients and citizens.
The CIR methodology, designed in the field of social innovation, makes it easier for people who are not experts in innovation or research (patients and citizens) to participate throughout all phases of the project, generating and developing solutions together to the human rights violation researchers, healthcare professionals y other collectives. Therefore, the event is aimed at patients, students, researchers and healthcare professionals, as well as citizens in general.
The session is framed in the IIS Aragón project “Patient in Science” in collaboration with the Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology (FECYT) and the Patient Associations AECC, ASAPME, ASPANOA, ATADES and the Aragonese Patients Forum. This workshop has the collaboration of Centro San Valero.