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The Health Research Institute of Aragon – IIS Aragón has given a workshop on “Easy innovation in the healthcare field. “CIR Methodology” in San Valero Center. The session was led by Rafael Continente, Innovation and research project manager and patient engagement of the IIS Aragon, to the students of the cycles of Higher Degree in Clinical and Biomedical Laboratory and Pathological and Biomedical Anatomy and the Average Degree of Care for People in a Situation of Dependency. Teachers and a representative of the Aragon Patient Board were also present.
The workshop's objective was for attendees to learn about and use the CIR methodology, one of the techniques used at the IIS Aragón in innovation projects carried out with patients and citizens. The CIR methodology, designed in the field of social innovation, allows people who are not experts in innovation or research (patients and citizens) to participate throughout all phases of the project, generating and developing solutions together with researchers, healthcare professionals and other groups.
The session is framed in the IIS Aragón project “Patient in Science” in collaboration with the Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology (FECYT) and the Patient Associations AECC, ASAPME, ASPANOA, ATADES and the Aragonese Patients Forum.
Centro San Valero collaborates with the Aragón Health Research Institute – IIS Aragón in welcoming students to carry out Training in Work Centers (FCT), visits to the facilities or participation in the Job Day, an event that brings students into contact with companies.
Source: San Valero Center