EIC Accelerator Challenges 2025
2 December, 2024TheMoveMen donates €6.000 to the 'Virtual Biopsy' project of the Molecular Oncology Group of the IIS Aragón
3 December, 2024The first research collects the national work of epidemiological surveillance of COVID-19, associated with a European research project of excellence (H2020), which served as a pilot for the design of the current national official system of surveillance of COVID-19. The second is a study commissioned by the ECDC in health workers on surveillance and effectiveness of the vaccine against COVID-19.
Two of the latest investigations by the IIS Aragón Group on Difficult-to-Diagnosis and Treatment Infections (GIIS023) have just been published. Both projects have been developed at the Miguel Servet University Hospital (HUMS) in Zaragoza and have been led locally by Ms. Ana M.ª Milagro Beamonte, Head of the Molecular Biology Area of the Microbiology and Parasitology Service, and coordinated by Dr. Miriam Latorre Millán, project researcher, both from the research group on infections that are difficult to diagnose and treat attached to the IIS Aragón (GIIS023). The publications derived from them correspond to high-impact indexed journals.
On the one hand, the first project It includes the national work of epidemiological surveillance of COVID-19 associated with a European research project of excellence with public funds (H2020), which served as a pilot for the design of the current national official COVID-19 surveillance system, known by the acronym I-MOVE-COVID-19: https://www.imoveflu.org/i-move-covid-19/. This observational study collected a wide range of epidemiological characteristics of patients admitted to HUMS with respiratory symptoms. Previously, severe acute respiratory symptoms, especially influenza, the protocol was adapted as soon as the first cases of COVID-19 arrived to facilitate the response to this emerging disease.
1) Latorre-Millán M, Rodríguez del Águila MM, Clusa L, Mazagatos C, Larrauri A, Fernández MA, Rezusta A, Milagro AM. Severity Patterns in COVID-19 Hospitalised Patients in Spain: I-MOVE-COVID-19 Study. Viruses. 2024; 16(11):1705. https://doi.org/10.3390/v16111705 https://www.mdpi.com/1999-4915/16/11/1705
For its part, The second project was commissioned by ECDC, including several studies on a cohort of healthcare workers in the area of surveillance and effectiveness of the COVID-19 vaccine, and has so far generated two publications.This study was carried out at HUMS as a national reference centre for a European network of hospitals, which led researchers to actively participate in the latest European meeting of immunisation and vaccine monitoring advisors (IVMAB), held in October at the headquarters of the European Medicines Agency. More than 3 HUMS workers participated in this study, which lasted almost 400 years., also counting on staff from multiple categories and services as collaborating researchers.
2) Savulescu Camelia, Prats-Uribe Albert, Brolin Kim, Uusküla Anneli, Bergin Colm, Fleming Catherine, Murri Rita, Zvirbulis Viesturs, Zavadska Dace, Gaio Vania, Popescu Corneliu P, Hrisca Raluca, Cisneros Maria, Latorre-Millán Miriam, Lohur Liis, McGrath Jonathan, Ferguson Lauren, De Gaetano Donati Katleen, Abolina Ilze, Gravele Dagne, Machado Ausenda, Florescu Simin-Aysel, Lazar Mihaela, Subirats Pilar, Clusa Cuesta Laura, Sui Jacklyn, Kenny Claire, Santangelo Rosaria, Krievins Dainis, Barzdina Elza Anna, Valadas Henriques Camila, Kosa Alma Gabriela, Pohrib Saftica-Mariana, Muñoz-Almagro Carmen, Milagro Ana, Bacci Sabrina, Nardone Anthony, VEBIS HCW VE study group. Effectiveness of the autumn 2023 COVID-19 vaccine dose in hospital-based healthcare workers: results of the VEBIS healthcare worker vaccine effectiveness cohort study, seven European countries, season 2023/24. Euro Surveill. 2024;29(44):pii=2400680. https://doi.org/10.2807/1560-7917.ES.2024.29.44.2400680
3) Savalescu C, Prats-Uribe A, Brolin K, Lovric Z, Uusküla A, Panagiotakopoulos G, Birgin C, Kenny C, Agodi A, Bonfanti P, Murri R, Zvirbulis V, Zavadska D, Szukdrzynski K, Machado A, Petru C, Craiu M, Cisneros M, Latorre-Millán M, Petrovic G, Lohur L, Tryfinopoulou K, McGrath J, Fergurson L, Barchitta M, Spolti A, Gaetano K, Abolina I, Gravele D, Gaio V, Aysel S, Lazar M, Subirats P, Clusa L, sarajic G, Amerali M, Sui J, Fleming C, Rapisarda V, Rossi M, Lamonica S, Krievins D, Barzdina EA, Amaral AP, Kosa AG, Miron VD, Muñoz-Almagro C, Milagro A;, Bacci S, Kramarz P, Nardone A, VEBIS HCW VE study Group. Relative effectiveness of the second booster COVID-19 vaccines against laboratory confirmed SARS-CoV-2 infection in healthcare workers: VEBIS HCW VE cohort study (1 October 2022 – 2 May 2023). Vaccines. 2024; 12(11):1295.. https://www.mdpi.com/2076-393X/12/11/1295
Source: AI4HealthyAging