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25 January 2024On February 5, two information sessions will be held in the main hall of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Zaragoza to provide more information about this research that will compare the effect of three heart-healthy dietary interventions.
Various studies have shown that shift workers have higher risks of developing metabolic diseases, as well as overweight and obesity. However, the studies carried out to date with this population are scarce, with a low number of participants and a limited time. Therefore, the Primary Dyslipidemia group of the IIS Aragón a nutritional intervention study begins with the main objective of exploring the effect of three different dietary interventions in people who have a shift job and are overweight or obese and have prediabetes or DM2, for 12 weeks.
Led by professors and researchers from the University of Zaragoza, Dr. Itziar Lamiquiz and Dr. Rocío Mateo, this research will propose three interventions that include: a) a diet low in calories, but rich in protein, specifically with dinners that have a high protein content; b) a low-calorie and high-protein diet with dinners containing a lower percentage of protein; c) a hypocaloric normoprotein diet.
To begin this intervention, We are looking for volunteers who want to join this research: people with excess body weight, high fasting glucose and who, in addition, work shifts that include the night. Those who are taking sleeping pills, consume a large amount of coffee or are taking antidiabetic drugs with the exception of metformin will not be able to participate.
Those interested should contact the researchers via email: studioturnos2024@gmail.com. Also On February 5, two information sessions will be held in the main classroom of the Faculty of Medicine (in the morning and afternoon) to publicize all the details of this study.
After selection, 120 patients will be randomized to one of the three types of diets., after verifying that they meet the inclusion criteria in an in-person visit that will take place at the Miguel Servet Hospital. They must maintain this diet for 12 weeks and must make three in-person visits at the Miguel Servet Hospital, at the beginning of the study, at 6 weeks and at 12 weeks. In these visits, anthropometric determinations will be made (weight, waist circumference and blood pressure), as well as a complete analytical determination and a sample collection (for the determination of specific metabolism of the functionality of adipose tissue and carbohydrate metabolism) and a determination of body composition using a body densitometry device.
With this study the researchers They are considering some hypotheses that they want to confirm.: low-calorie and high-protein diets (group A and B) improve carbohydrate metabolism to a greater extent (including parameters such as glucose, glycosylated hemoglobin, insulin and HOMA index), compared to a standard low-calorie protein diet (group C), in shift workers with overweight or obesity and prediabetes or DM2. Furthermore, a low-calorie, high-protein diet with a higher percentage of protein at dinner (group A) will induce a greater benefit in carbohydrate metabolism, compared to a diet with the same characteristics with a lower percentage of protein at dinner (group B). .