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11 December, 2023Scientists Alberto Jiménez Schuhmacher and Patricia Sancho will explain the projects they are developing in Aragon and the latest advances against this disease
Aspanoa and the IIS Aragón organize this event at the Palacio de Congresos. It will begin at 9.30:XNUMX a.m. and is free of charge upon registration.
The Teruel Congress Palace will host this Friday, December 15, an informative breakfast starring two leaders in cancer research: scientists Alberto Jiménez Schuhmacher and Patricia Sancho.
This is an event organized by Aspanoa and the Aragón Health Research Institute, which aims to bring biomedical research carried out in Aragon closer to the different parts of the Autonomous Community. The first breakfast was held in 2019 in the city of Huesca, with great participation, but the pandemic paralyzed the project. Now it is recovering, with the capital of Teruel being the first municipality elected.
The breakfast, which has the collaboration of the Teruel City Council, will begin at 9.30:XNUMX a.m. and will last just over an hour. Access is free, but it is It is necessary to register in advance through this link, with this Thursday at 18.00:XNUMX p.m. being the deadline to sign up.
Alberto Jiménez Schuhmacher (ARAID researcher and head of the Molecular Oncology Group at IIS Aragón) and Patricia Sancho (head of the Metabolism and Tumor Stem Cells Group at IIS Aragón) will explain in a didactic way the different cancer research that they are developing with funding from Aspanoa and other entities. And they will especially focus on the latest discoveries that have been achieved in the fight against this disease and what treatments are expected to be in the future.
“It is a great opportunity to learn more about the research carried out in our Community, which has nothing to envy of that carried out in other parts of the world, and to discover the important advances that have been achieved in recent years,” explains the president of Aspanoa, Gabriel Tirado.
For his part, Óscar López, executive director of IIS Aragón, highlights that “thanks to the collaborations of entities as active as Aspanoa, the research carried out in our Autonomous Community is top-of-the-line, directly impacting its high quality and the health of tomorrow.”
Photos: Asier Alkorta. Researchers Patricia Sancho and Alberto Jiménez Schuhmacher, from IIS Aragón.
Source: Aspanoa