The Miguel Servet Hospital of Zaragoza, national award for Safe Practices in childbirth care
September 20, 2021
The San Jorge University Hospital signs an agreement with the IIS Aragón to promote research
September 21, 2021The Intramural Call for the promotion of IIS Aragón research is intended to directly support researchers and research groups at IIS Aragón, not only consolidated, but also those who, being in the early and intermediate stages of their career, are characterized by a production scientific or innovative.
The 2021 Intramural Call is divided into the following actions:
- Action to Support the Figure of the Research Resident.
- Action to Support the Figure of the Predoctoral Researcher.
- “Rector Manuel López” Support Action for groups.
- Post-ESF Support Action.
- Action to Support Scientific Communication.
Applications must be sent through the electronic form provided for this purpose on the IIS Aragón website, at the following link: https://www.iisaragon.es/nuestros-servicios/convocatoria-intramural-2021/
The files to be sent must be PDF and the specific templates for each action must be used, which can be downloaded from the previous link.
In those actions that require supporting documentation of the merits provided, this will be included in a single pdf file along with the template of the form to complete and send.
Applications that have been processed by any means other than the website form specified in this section will not be accepted.
The aid will be delivered at the IIS Aragón Scientific Conference, and will be understood to be accepted unless expressly waived.
Deadline: 15th October 2021 15:00 hours