CESA awards for doctoral theses
October 5, 2020
The discoverers of the hepatitis C virus, awarded the Nobel Prize in Medicine
October 6, 2020This call aims to promote or stimulate quality projects in new lines of research, development and innovation at the University of Zaragoza, which lack specific funds for this purpose from other calls and which are led by young researchers with relevant scientific contributions.
All applications must have the approval of the principal researcher of the group recognized in 2020 by the University of Zaragoza to which the applicant researcher belongs.
A maximum of two applications endorsed by each research group recognized in 2020 by the University of Zaragoza will be admitted.
The dedication to the project of all researchers will be unique, without presenting incompatibility with participation in projects from other calls.
Applications will be submitted to the Records of the University of Zaragoza (General Registry, Auxiliary Records or through the Electronic Registry), on the forms provided by the Research Management Service.
Deadline: 30 2020 October