
21 June, 2021

The Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities grants 625.000 euros to eight projects of the Aragón Health Research Institute

Scientific studies are carried out in fields such as colon cancer, Primary Care, childhood obesity, pancreatic cancer, Alzheimer's [...]
15 June, 2021

The Aragón Health Research Institute develops surgical masks from plastic bottles

The new material is also filtering and hydrophobic, like the polypropylene commonly used for this purpose, and can be recycled. A team of researchers from the [...]
24 May 2021

The Aragón Health Research Institute and ATADES will collaborate on projects on autism spectrum disorder

Both entities sign an agreement to carry out joint actions in this field The Aragon Health Research Institute (IIS Aragón) and the Aragonese Tutelary Association of [...]
19 May 2021

The Aragón Health Research Institute promotes collaboration with the Aragón Institute of Nanoscience and Materials to develop projects related to COVID-19

The IIS Aragón launches a call, with a budget of 60.000 euros, whose objective is to develop innovative studies in the field of nanotechnology applied to [...]
26 April 2021

An international study in which researchers from the Lozano Blesa Clinical Hospital belonging to the IIS Aragón participated demonstrates that COVID-19 increases the risk of complications during pregnancy

The prestigious journal Jama Pediatrics has published the results, coordinated by the University of Oxford and obtained by more than a hundred researchers from 43 [...]
13 April 2021

Last year, the IIS Aragón promoted 80 research projects, 450 clinical trials and more than 120 collaborations

In 2020, the Aragón Health Research Institute achieved reaccreditation as a center of excellence in biomedical research for the next five years. The organization has [...]