
29 March, 2021

The EpiChron Group of the IACS and attached to the IIS Aragón participates in the beginning of the clinical demonstration of a European project to make effective the application of the FAIR principles and obtain a strong impact on Health research and even on healthcare itself

The fifth General Assembly of the FAIR4Health project was held virtually on March 16 and 17, guaranteeing correct technical and follow-up. [...]
8 February, 2021

A clinical trial by the IIS Aragón that seeks to evaluate the influence of the Mediterranean lifestyle on childhood obesity, awarded by the Ministry of Consumer Affairs

The 'Meli-POP' study has won the award in the health category at the 13th edition of the NAOS Strategy Awards. The project has been carried out [...]
28 December, 2020

IIS Aragón researcher Pedro Baptista, new secretary general of the European Society of Artificial Organs

The scientist, a specialist in liver bioengineering, is also vice president of the Regenerative Hepatology Consortium, within the European Association for the Study of the Liver Pedro Baptista, [...]
21 December, 2020

The IIS Aragón delivers the 2020 Research Promotion Action Grants worth 122.500 euros

The call recognizes the best research residents and supports three associated groups, emerging and consolidated, in addition to promoting the incorporation of physicians to centers [...]
16 December, 2020

The IIS Aragón addresses the prudent use of antibiotics in an online seminar

The event included the participation of several members of the Antimicrobial Use Optimization Programs in the Hospitals of Aragon, whose contribution to [...]
4 December, 2020

The Aragón Health Research Institute organizes a forum on the use of Big Data and artificial intelligence in the healthcare environment

The conference, held in an 'online' format, addressed the importance of having sufficient quality data to obtain reliable results and establishing collaborations to share them. [...]
November 27, 2020

Researchers from the IIS Aragón bring science to the schoolchildren of Monreal del Campo

The teaching center will allocate its Christmas charity collection to the project 'Drugs against SARS-Cov-2: a fast and agile platform for searching for drugs against human coronaviruses [...]