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Augusts 5, 2024The IIS Aragón researcher talks in this interview about his work leading the 'Allergy' Group (GIIS039) of the Hospital Clínico, and what its projects are like
Carlos Colás Sanz, specialist in Allergology and head of Allergology at the Clinical Hospital in Zaragoza, came to the world of research thanks to his teaching and healthcare work. The doctor learned about the Aragón Research Institute through his work at the Clinical Hospital. His studies as a researcher are very extensive: effect of technological treatments in allergenic proteins of fruits, allergy to pollen of amaranthaceae (Salsola), oral immunotherapy in children allergic to protein egg, socioeconomic impact of allergic rhinitis in Spain and the natural history of asthma, epidemiology and genetics.
Carlos Colás has been 4 and 24 years dedicated to researching the aforementioned projects and has been the principal investigator of the Clinical Hospital Allergy Group (GIIS039) of the IIS Aragón.
What lines of research are being worked on in your group?
In my group we investigate the modification of allergenicity in fruit proteins, reducing the allergenicity of the most common protein, LTP. We also focus on studying the amaranth pollen allergy (Salsola), examining the sensitization profiles and their relationship with the clinic.
Another line of our research is Oral immunotherapy to induce tolerance to foods: milk and egg. Furthermore, we analyze the socioeconomic impact of allergic rhinitis in Spain and we study the natural history of asthma, epidemiology and genetics.
What is the main challenge your research group is currently facing?
The main challenge is the clinical application of project A (Allergenicity modification. Reduction of allergenicity in fruit proteins such as LTP).
Any ongoing projects that you would like to highlight?
Despite its great challenges, I would like to highlight one of the most important projects in which the group is researching: The Modification of allergenicity in fruit proteins. Reduction of the allergenicity of the most common protein, LTP.
What profiles make up your research team?
Interdisciplinarity is one of the main strengths of my research group. In the project of fruit allergy We collaborate with other faculties of the University of Zaragoza: Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Faculty of Sciences and Department of Mycobacterial Genetics. And in the project amaranth pollen collaborates with the Faculty of Chemical Sciences of the Complutense.
Why should companies bet on research, and specifically, on your group?
Our studies have high social impact, but little investment attractiveness for the pharmaceutical industry.
Advice for someone starting out in healthcare research?
Plan your career and resume well from the beginning.