Newsflash! Draft call topics published and IHI Call Days registration open
9 June, 2023MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships 2023
9 June, 2023TRANSCAN-3 has launched its third Joint Transnational Call for research proposals (JTC 2023) on the following topic:
“Translational research on cancer epigenetics”
Aims of the Call
The expected outcome of the call is to improve the efficacy of current detection, diagnosis, prognosis and treatment of cancers, through the development of novel approaches based on a better understanding of cancer epigenetics. The specific objectives of this funding opportunity are to stimulate new partnerships between researchers and clinicians and support original, high-quality projects, with significant clinical impact.
In the context of translational research, this topic will comprise two general objectives, each with several objectives, which contribute to the possible clinical applications. Proposals should cover one or several of the specific objectives listed below and should be built from a sound hypothesis. Particular attention should be given to gender balance inclusion in order to intercept sex/gender differences and to consider the role of these differences in the addressed questions.
Aim 1: The role of epigenetics in cancer initiation and progression. These studies may aim to validate novel epigenetics-based biomarkers to improve detection, diagnosis, prognosis of cancers or response to therapies (using recently developed innovative approaches, multiomic approaches, single-cell analysis, patient-derived organoids, patient-derived xenografts, tumor samples collected from retrospective and/or prospective cohorts of patients or clinical trials).
Aim 2: Validation of new epigenetics-based therapeutic strategies to limit cancer progression, prevent relapse/recurrence or increase the efficiency or reduce toxicity of existing anti-cancer therapies.
An essential pre-requisite for all proposals is the clinical relevance of the planned work.
Applications that propose novel interdisciplinary approaches from relevant fields of engineering, informatics, physics in addition to biology and medicine, provided that they are mindful of potential clinical need, patient and population impact. are particularly welcomed.
Applicants may add an additional part to cover capacity building activities (eventually with an associated separate budget, in compliance with the rules of the respective national/regional funding organizations). These activities have to be fully coherent with the objectives of the research project, and aimed at strengthening the ability of participating team(s) to perform the work detailed in the project plan as well as to improve, in the long term, the quality and potential of the translational research performed by the team(s). Depending on the project these activities could be (the following examples are indicative only, and neither exhaustive nor prescriptive): exchanges/mobility of investigators (especially young investigators) between teams and countries participating in the project; short term training of scientists, operational staff, etc.; training through technical workshops dedicated to relevant aspects of the scientific work planned in the project; short training (one or few weeks) of several partner teams by one expert. Activities related to the dissemination of results such as hosting a symposium, conferences etc. are out of the scope of this capacity building component.
Deadline for pre-proposal submission: 21 July 2023 at 12:00 (CEST)
Deadline for full-proposal submission: 15 December 2023 at 12:00 (CET)