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9 January 2024EP PerMed – JTC 2024: European Partnership for Personalized Medicine
9 January 2024The EU Joint Program – Neurodegenerative Disease Research (JPND) initiative has launched a transnational call for Mechanisms and measurement of disease progression in the early phase of neurodegenerative diseases.
It is known that the onset of neurodegenerative diseases occurs years before the appearance of the first clinical symptoms. However, our current understanding on the biological, psychological and social mechanisms that determine early disease progression as well as our ability to precisely monitor the course of the disease at pre-symptomatic stages is very limited. Delayed detection of disease progression may be the reason for the multiple failures observed in clinical trials during the past years. In this context, improving our understanding of the crucial biological mechanisms and psychosocial factors determining risk and resilience for neurodegenerative diseases is needed along with an enhanced measurability of disease progression through the establishment of advanced biological and psychosocial markers. Respective advancements may allow a more accurate identification of pre-symptomatic disease stages and a reliable monitoring of disease progression, thereby enabling a better prediction of disease trajectories and paving the way for new therapeutic and preventive approaches.
For this reason, JPND launches this joint transnational call with the aim of improving the understanding of disease mechanisms and advancing measurability of disease progression at early and pre-symptomatic stages of neurodegenerative diseases. Proposals to this call must be ambitious, innovative, multi-disciplinary and multi-national, ie include research teams from at least three different countries. They must be hypothesis driven and should have a strong focus on methodology.
Funding organization Spain: ISCIII
Pre-proposals must be submitted no later than 12:00h CET on March 5, 2024, via the electronic submission tool.