I CSIC Awards – BBVA Foundation for Scientific Communication
12 March, 2021
The Spanish Glaucoma Society celebrates the World Week dedicated to this disease that affects 3% of the general population
12 March, 2021Call ERA-NET: TRANSCAN-3 (2021) – Transnational Cancer Research
PRE-ANNOUNCE: The consortium of the new project: Sustained collaboration of national and regional programs in cancer research, funded by the European Commission under Horizon 2020 (Grant Agreement no. 964264) is pleased to pre-announce its first Joint Transnational Call co- funded by the European Commission (JTC 2021) on the topic: «Next generation cancer immunotherapy: targeting the tumor microenvironment»
28 funding organizations from 19 countries are participating. Founding organizations for IIS Aragón:
- National Institute of Health Carlos III (ISCIII), Spain
- The Scientific Foundation of the Spanish Association Against Cancer (FCAECC), Spain
The call is planned to be launched on April 6th 2021 with a submission deadline for pre-proposals on the end of June 2021.
It is expected that consortia invited for the full-proposal stage will be asked to submit their proposal on November 2021.
For more information: https://www.transcanfp7.eu/