«A cancer patient is a lifelong patient»
October 19, 2021
Antonio Rezusta, principal investigator of the 'Mycosis and Nocardiosis' group at the IIS Aragón and head of the Microbiology service at the Miguel Servet Hospital
October 19, 2021Ángel Lanas, Scientific Director of the IIS Aragón
Dear friend,
The Aragón Health Research Institute launches this electronic newsletter with which it aims to take another step to bring the work of its researchers closer to Aragonese society and thank you for your support, especially when the health sector needs it most.
In this space we want you to meet our research staff through the 'The Protagonist' section and give voice to the patient associations with which we collaborate closely in the 'Friends of IIS Aragón' section, in addition to thanking those entities and companies their trust in us to allocate part of their resources to health research.
The IIS Aragón acts as a union between the health system and private companies. It integrates the basic knowledge of the university with the clinical knowledge of the hospitals and has the necessary tools to put researchers in contact with the business ecosystem that carries out biomedical innovation in order to transfer its final product, whether it is a drug or a technological development, to patients and thus increase the capabilities of the health system.
As a uniting entity, the IIS Aragón explores the biohealth business network not only nearby, but also national and international, and detects opportunities. It knows its capabilities, current and potential, and identifies the needs of the health system, becoming a showcase where the private industry can test its innovation and knowledge to satisfy those shortcomings and, in this way, fulfilling its fundamental mission.
But the IIS Aragón is also the instrument to channel donations from companies and individuals who want to promote their Corporate Social Responsibility towards the field of health and contribute funds not only to their research projects in the search for better treatments and diagnoses for the population. , but also to the Aragonese healthcare fabric made up of the Community's Teaching and University Hospitals, Primary Health Care, the University of Zaragoza and the Aragonese Institute of Health Sciences, with a common challenge: to contribute through research and innovation in improving Aragonese healthcare.
More than six years have passed since the birth of IIS Aragón, as an Institute of Excellence accredited by the Carlos III Health Institute (ISCIII), and the growth of its activity has been very important. Once the first phase has been completed to establish its structure and promote cooperation between the different basic and technological research groups with the clinical research groups to increase translational capacities, the Institute currently faces the objective of facilitating public-private collaboration in research and innovation matters. We have a very interesting path ahead. Can you come with us?