Aspanoa calls for 75.000 euros in aid for childhood cancer research
October 5, 2020Call for research, development and innovation projects for young researchers _ IBERCAJA FOUNDATION-UNIVERSIDAD de ZARAGOZA
October 5, 2020The purpose of the award from the Economic and Social Council of Aragon for doctoral theses is to distinguish those doctoral theses that, dealing with matters of economic, social or labor significance, are of special interest to Aragon.
The applicants will be the authors of doctoral theses submitted for the examination of the doctorate degree, read and rated cum laude, unanimously, between September 16, 2019 and September 30, 2020.
The theses presented must:
- Be written in Spanish or in a common language for scientific communication in your field of knowledge.
- Not having been awarded prior to the end date of the nomination submission period.
- Deal with matters of economic, social or labor significance for the Autonomous Community of Aragon.
The prize has a prize of 3.000 euros.
Deadline: 15th October 2020