8 February, 2022
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- Categories
- Tags
- Writers
- Mostrar todo
- All
- Aragon
- Biotechnology
- Calls for applications
- client
- Events
- Education
- Research
- News
- Health
- uncategorized
- Uncategorized
- Zaragoza
- All
- 'I Research and Innovation Conference for Residents in Aragon
- "High-precision missiles against the most malignant tumors"
- 10 anniversary
- 10 years of IIS Aragon
- 10th Anniversary of IIS Aragon
- 2024
- October 23
- 3D
- 4DPicture
- abemaciclib
- Kingdom of Aragon Pharmacy Academy
- numerary academic
- accessibility
- Olive oil
- ENAC accreditation
- activity
- brain activity
- physical activity
- present
- ToNurse
- Adolescence
- teenagers
- State Research Agency
- Sinc Agency
- 2030 Agenda
- Agilent
- water
- bottled water
- Alberto Anel
- Alberto Jimenez Schuhmacher
- albertoj
- alcohol
- Alejandra Gonzalez
- Allergy
- Alex Gutiérrez Dalmau
- Algorithm
- eating
- Almudevar
- Alterations
- hallucenogens
- Alzheimer
- Alzheimer's
- academic field
- cultural field
- Business field
- Ana castillo
- Ana Isabel Cisneros
- full test
- proteomic analysis
- blood test
- analytics
- Analyze
- Anesthesia
- Angel Borque
- Angel Lanas
- Anisakis
- anonymous
- anxiety
- family background
- antibiotic
- antibiotics
- Antibody drug
- Antonio
- Antonio Anton
- Antonio Anton Torres
- Antonio Lobo Satue
- enforcement
- Applications
- Apoptosis
- Support emerging groups
- automatic learning
- AraBiotech
- Aragon
- Aragón BIke Against Cancer
- Aragon Investigates
- Aragon Research
- AraHealth
- Archives of Bronconeumology
- Ariel Ramirez
- arthritis
- Osteoarthritis
- ASAPME Aragon
- assistance
- healthcare
- Asthma
- association
- Amoranza Association
- Spanish Association Against Cancer
- Spanish Association against Cancer in Zaragoza
- Spanish Association of Endocrinology and Nutrition
- INVI Association
- Association for Women's Lung Cancer Research
- El Pino Solidarity Trail Association
- Corneal Transplant Association
- Associations
- Aspanoa
- Caskets
- medical care
- Primary Care
- Athletic Club de Bilbao
- AV
- Zaragoza Auditorium
- Aragonese classrooms
- autism
- self exploration
- regional
- Preview
- advances
- Scientific advances
- LAB AECC 2022 Help
- aid
- research aid
- Communication aids
- IIS Aragón 2023 aid
- postdoctoral assistantships
- predoctoral grants
- Intermittent fasting
- Town Hall
- Monzón City Council
- Cariñena City Council
- B12
- b
- bacteria
- intestinal bacteria
- Barcelona
- clinical database
- Beatriz Carpallo
- shaken baby
- Premature babies
- beneficiaries
- Benefits
- Beneficial
- Beonchip
- BiblioPRO
- well-being
- BigData
- Binaced
- biobank
- Biobank of the Aragon Health System
- Biofabri
- biogenesis
- Bioinformatics
- Biology
- Molecular Biology of Cancer
- biomarkers
- biomedicine
- BioNTech.
- Virtual biopsy
- biosanitary
- Biotechnology
- BitBrain
- Aragonese Boegas
- Mountain bike
- Buenaventura
- CaixaForum
- Calendar
- quality
- Quality of care
- heat
- Field
- channel
- Cancer
- Cancer
- Colorectal cancer
- colon cancer
- cervical cancer
- endometrial cancer
- Liver cancer
- breast cancer
- breast cancer
- male breast cancer
- Metastatic breast cancer
- triple negative breast cancer
- pancreatic cancer
- prostate cancer
- lung cancer
- thyroid cancer
- stomach cancer
- gastric cancer
- Cancer Heterogeneity and Immunomics
- child cancer
- child cancer
- male cancer
- pancreatic cancer
- childhood cancers
- cancers
- applications
- capabilities
- urothelial carcinoma
- Cardiovascular
- Carlo Cervia-Hastler
- Carlos Martín
- Career
- Monsoon Woman Race
- solidary run
- Cataracts
- Aspanoa Chair
- Cecilia Pesini
- headache
- Cell Death Differentiation
- Cells
- cells
- beta cells
- CAR T cells
- Calculator
- Centinela Running 2024
- Aragon Biomedical Research Center
- San Valero Center
- health centers
- brain
- Cesar de la Fuente
- Talks
- GPT-chat
- chips
- Cyberbn
- Cycling
- cyclists
- cycle
- Dissemination Training Cycle
- Cyclophilin D
- Cyclosporine A
- cyclist
- cycling
- science
- Chemical Sciences
- Scientist
- Fifty thousand eyes
- Scientific
- surgery
- Claudia Perez Fornies
- Clementa Soria
- climate
- Health clusters
- Impact Cohort
- collaboration
- Official College of Nursing of Zaragoza
- cholesterol
- dye
- External Scientific Committee
- nobel committee for chemistry
- Communication
- community
- Pyrenees Work Community
- autonomous communities
- Camera Conception
- Junquera Shell
- Competition
- International Conference on Health Communication
- Conferences
- congress
- get to know them
- care continuity
- against childhood cancer
- Contract
- controls
- Extraordinary
- intramural call
- coordinator
- Cope
- heart
- coronavirus
- Covid
- persistent covid
- COVID-19
- COVID-19
- CRA Bajo Martín
- visual screening
- Cristina Iniguez
- Cristina Paules
- Story
- questionnaire
- course
- Alcañiz Specialized Journalism Course
- Extraordinary Courses at the University of Zaragoza
- Daniel Oros
- Daniel Oros Lopez
- David Baker
- David Fernández
- debates
- thesis defense
- defenses
- Defender of Zargoza
- dementia
- Half Hassabis
- health Department
- depression
- challenges
- Development
- Development of New Therapies
- breakfast
- Dialogue breakfasts
- ipIBA breakfasts
- Desert
- malnutrition
- Detection
- early arrest
- cognitive impairment
- Patient Safety Day
- International Day of Women and Girls
- International Day of Women and Girls in Science
- World Lung Cancer Day
- international Day
- World Prostate Cancer Day
- World Cancer Day
- World Day Against Breast Cancer
- World ALS Day
- World Stroke Day
- world parkinson's day
- World Clinical Trials Day
- diabetes
- diagnosis
- diagnosis
- Early diagnostic
- early diagnosis
- diagnoses
- dialogue
- Teruel Diary
- Diego Sánchez
- Mediterranean diet
- Diets
- diffusion
- Digestive
- disability
- Design
- dysphagia
- Primary Dyslipidemias
- Dive Medical
- Dissemination
- double attack
- documentary
- Dolores Island
- Dolores Isla Casado
- donation
- donation IIS Aragón
- Dr. Jesús Obón
- Dr. Salvador Baena
- Dr. Ana Cisneros
- EBERS Medical
- eClinicalMedicine
- edad
- Eduardo Ruiz Pesini
- education
- Ejea of the Knights
- Upper Aragon
- The Herald of Aragon
- the protagonist patient
- The newspaper of Aragon
- ALS ISS Aragon
- emotion
- entrepreneurship
- Poll
- Enero
- disease
- Gaucher disease
- enfermedades
- joint diseases
- cardiovascular diseases
- Congenital diseases
- Infectious diseases
- neurodegenerative diseases
- Neurodegenerative diseases
- neurological diseases
- neurovascular diseases
- rare diseases
- nurses
- Nursing
- clinical trial
- Clinical trials
- interview
- aging
- Epidemic
- multidisciplinary team
- multidisciplinary teams
- ER+
- Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis
- multiple sclerosis
- Writing Instruments
- Squalene
- School of Cellular and Molecular Cancer Biology
- spherosomes
- Studio
- Spaces
- Spain
- spasticity
- spectrometer
- Estibaliz Toulouse
- digital workplace strategy
- facial structure
- study
- scientific study
- parenting study
- nutritional study
- studies
- Eva Lopez
- Evaluate GPS
- evaluation
- evaluation of results
- events
- patient experience
- Experts
- Showroom
- extranjero
- eye tracking
- Faculty of Medicine
- Faculty of Medicine of the University of Zaragoza
- deceased
- false positives
- families
- pharmaceutical
- pharmacy
- Drug
- drugs
- Pharmaindustry
- FarmaSonda App
- Phase
- Chronic Fatigue
- atrial fibrillation
- physiotherapy
- Next Generation Funds
- Education
- Vocational training
- Trainings
- Aragonese Patient Forum
- Strengthens
- Photography
- FP
- Fruit
- APE Foundation
- Cris Foundation against cancer
- Cuenca Villoro Foundation
- Follereau Foundation
- Ibercaja Foundation
- la Caixa Foundation
- future
- future of medicine
- Medical Gazette
- Gala
- Winners
- GastricAITool
- Gatekeeper
- Gastrostomy
- gene
- ESR1 gene
- PAH gene
- genes
- Genetics
- clinical genetics
- genome
- functional genomics
- Georffrey Hinton
- Gerardo Rodriguez
- clinical management
- health management
- data manager
- GIIS002
- GIIS003
- GIIS004
- GIIS006
- GIIS007
- GIIS008
- GIIS009
- GIIS011
- GIIS012
- GIIS014
- GIIS017
- GIIS018
- GIIS019
- GIIS020
- GIIS022
- GIIS023
- GIIS024
- GIIS025
- GIIS026
- GIIS027
- GIIS028
- GIIS029
- GIIS030
- GIIS032
- GIIS033
- GIIS034
- GIIS035
- GIIS037
- GIIS039
- GIIS040
- GIIS041
- GIIS042
- GIIS043
- GIIS045
- GIIS047
- GIIS048
- GIIS049
- GIIS050
- GIIS052
- GIIS053
- GIIS054
- GIIS055
- GIIS057
- GIIS059
- GIIS060
- GIIS061
- GIIS062
- GIIS063
- GIIS064
- GIIS065
- GIIS066
- GIIS067
- GIIS068
- GIIS069
- GIIS070
- GIIS071
- GIIS071-Urology Group
- GIIS072
- GIIS073
- GIIS073-Nephrology and Kidney Transplant Research Group (GINETE)
- GIIS074
- GIIS075
- GIIS076
- GIIS077
- GIIS078
- GIIS079
- GIIS080
- GIIS081
- GIIS082
- GIIS083
- GIIS084
- GIIS085
- GIIS086
- GIIS087
- GIIS090
- GIIS092
- GIIS093
- GIIS094
- GIIS095
- GIIS096
- GIIS097
- GIIS098
- GIIS100
- GIIS105
- GIIS110
- GIIS777
- GIIS999
- GIISA001
- GIISA003
- GIISA005
- GIISA006
- GIISA008
- GIISA009
- GIISA010
- GIISA011
- GIISA012
- GIISA013
- GIISA014
- GIISA015
- GIISA016
- GIISA017
- GIISA018
- GIISA019
- GIISA020
- GIISA021
- GIISA022
- GIISA023
- GIISA024
- gynecology
- GISS000
- Glaucoma
- gliobastoma
- glioblastoma
- diffuse trunk glioma
- gliomas
- Government of Aragon
- Grace Mendoza Cantos
- Gran Via
- Delivery to Italy takes one or two business days
- reaction
- flu
- Spanish Genitourinary Oncology Group
- Aragonese Research Group in Primary Care
- Aragonese Research Group in Primary Care (GAIAP)
- Aragonese group for research into mental health in primary care
- Neuroscience Research Group
- Mental Health Research Group in Primary Care
- Nurse Research Group in end-of-life processes
- Precision Medicine in Respiratory Diseases (PRES) Research Group
- Metabolism and Tumor Stem Cells Group
- Molecular Oncology Group
- Nature group
- Molecular Oncology Group
- Saica Group
- San Valero Group
- groups
- Guide to good practice recommendations for promoting clinical research in Primary Care
- Hematology
- hemotherapy
- HER2-
- Herald
- Heraldo de Aragón
- scientist hero
- heroines of the sites
- hydration
- liver
- fatty liver
- hypertension
- hypothesis
- milestones
- hombres
- mushrooms
- Lozano Blesa Clinical Hospital
- university clinical hospital
- Lozano Blesa University Clinical Hospital
- servet children's hospital of zaragoza
- Miguel Servet Maternal and Child Hospital
- Miguel Servet Hospital
- Obispo Polanco Hospital
- Zurich University Hospital
- Miguel Servet University Hospital
- Miguel Servet University Hospital of Zaragoza
- hospitalization
- digital piggy bank
- Humanization
- Humanization in breast cancer
- R + D
- I3A
- I3A Unize
- ia
- ICCH 2024
- Stroke
- ischemic stroke
- IES Miguel Catalan
- gender equality
- iHealthy
- II Conference of the Spanish Centre for Evidence-Based Care in Aragon
- III ipIBA Day
- III Bioinformatics Conference
- III Breast Cancer Humanization Conference
- IIS Aragon
- iisaragon
- scientific illustrations
- imlunestrant
- inauguration of the day of excellence of good practices
- Ines Marble
- Ines Marmol
- investigation
- childhood
- infarct
- infection
- infections
- inflammation
- influence to
- Computer Technology
- Infrastructure
- Engineering
- initiative
- Immunity
- immunotherapy
- innovation
- Aragonese Institute of Health Sciences
- Aragonese Institute of Social Services
- Aragon Health Research Institute
- Institute of Nanoscience and Materials of Aragon
- Alicante Institute of Neurosciences
- Carlos III Health Institute
- Technological Institute of Aragon
- Health Research Institutes
- heart failure
- insulin
- Artificial Intelligence
- international
- International
- internalization
- clinical intervention
- Intestine
- Intramural
- investment
- research
- alternative research
- Aragonese research
- Cancer Research
- brain research
- Clinical research
- cancer research
- pediatric oncology research
- Pharmacological research
- hospital research7biomedical research
- pioneering research
- Researcher
- ARAID researcher
- principal investigator
- researcher
- Researchers
- predoctoral researchers
- ipiba
- ipIBA Day
- IRB Barcelona
- Irene Serrano
- IrsiCaixa
- ISCiii
- Isidro Arevalo
- ISS Aragon
- Istituto Lombardo Accademia di Science et Lettere
- Itziar Lamiquiz
- Jacobo Ayesa
- Javier García-Campayo
- Javier Ormazábal
- Jesús Ciriza Atrain
- Jesus of the Bold
- Jesus Gonzalez
- Jesús Martín
- jet lag
- solar jet lag
- John Hopfield
- John Jumper
- Johnson & Johnson
- Jorge Murillo
- Jorge Osma Lopez
- Jorge Rubio Gracia
- journey
- scientific journey
- closing day
- Clinical Research Conference in Primary Care
- Research and Innovation Conference
- Patient and Resident Day
- days
- REGIC Annual Conference
- José Antonio Casajús
- José Antonio Mayoral
- Jose Baselga
- Jose Ignacio Castano
- Jose Javier Garcia Campayo
- Jose Luis Bancalero
- José M. Marín
- José Manuel García Aznar
- Youngsters
- young Aragonese researchers
- Juan Olivenza
- Juan Pie Juste
- Julia Ocon
- Julian Pardo
- Together We Will Defeat ALS
- The Mimosa
- Inclusion
- laboratory
- Molecular Oncology Laboratory of the Aragón Health Research Institute
- Laboratories
- The cloister
- lactation
- Laura Diez
- Laura Usón
- lenses
- Leprosy
- Leticia De Mattos-Arruda
- Leukemia
- book
- Lymphomas
- Lleida
- long covid
- lottery
- LTβR
- gambling
- Luis Alberto Anel Bernal
- Luis Alberto Moreno Aznar
- Luis Hijos
- Luis Moreno
- Luis Moreno Aznar
- Louis paul
- lupus
- M2BE
- Madrid
- Maldi Imaging
- genomic map
- molecular machine
- Futsal Marathon
- Walking
- March Against Cancer
- March against Cancer in Zaragoza
- Maria Guallart Valet
- Maria Sancho
- Maria Victoria Arruga
- Marimar Ecabo Berzosa
- Marisa de la Rica
- Marius Soler
- Marta Baselga
- Marta Lalinde
- Marta Mascaraque
- Maths
- Advanced Materials
- Maternity
- medication
- Medicine
- personalized medicine
- Medicine 2044
- Measurement
- Family doctors
- Environment
- environment
- in the media
- Bone marrow
- medulloblastoma
- Improve
- melanoma
- Meli-POP
- the memory
- Honorable Mention
- menopause
- metabolic
- Metabolism and Tumor Stem Cells
- metastasis
- metastasis
- CIR methodology
- microRNA
- microbiology
- microbiome
- microbiota
- microorganisms
- Myelin
- Cell migration
- or mindfulness
- Ministry of Science and Innovation
- look
- Model
- Montserrat González Platas
- Monsoon
- death
- death causes fire
- sudden death
- samples
- Woman
- Rural woman
- of
- Influential women Aragón
- multidisciplinary
- Huesca Museum
- mutations
- National
- Nanoantibodies
- Nanobiomedicine
- nanodecidin
- nanoparticles
- Nanotecnology
- Nature Communications.
- Nature Genetics
- Christmas
- Nestle Health Science
- Networking
- neuroblastoma
- Neuroscience
- neurosciences
- neurology
- neurologist
- neurologists
- neuromodulation
- neurons
- Neuro-ophthalmology
- girls
- children
- stress level
- Nobel
- European Researchers' Night
- New therapy
- New
- numerous
- Nuria Val
- nutrition
- Nutrifag
- obesity
- Childhood obesity
- European Observatory of Rural Food and Physical Exercise Deserts
- Atlantic Ocean
- job offer
- Ophthalmology
- ophthalmologists
- Olga Abian
- Oncohematology
- OncoImmunology
- oncology
- Molecular Oncology
- pediatric oncology
- Onda Cero
- One Health
- One health
- NGO Sumun
- online
- optics
- optometrists
- Organ On Chip
- organ-on-chip
- World Health Organization
- Organizations
- organoids
- Organs
- organs
- Oscar Lopez
- Oscar Lopez Lorente
- anotherevent
- Pablo Herrero Gallego
- patient
- Patient in Science
- Patient Protagonist
- patients
- oncology patients
- the Basque Country
- Exhibition Palace
- pancreas
- pandemic
- Paula Herrera
- To live better
- Auditorium
- Auditorium of the University of Zaragoza
- Parasites
- Parkinson
- parkinson's
- Community participation
- attendees
- Aspanoa Party
- Aspanoa Party
- solidarity match
- Delivery
- Patio of the Infanta
- digestive pathology
- mitochondrial pathology
- pathologies
- Patricia Sancho
- Patricia Sancho Andrés
- PatriciaS
- pediatricians
- Peter the Baptist
- personality
- Pfizer
- leather
- Pilar De Miguel-Etayo
- Pilar Martin Duque
- Pioneers
- Placenta
- Aragonese Plan for Physical Activity for Health
- podcast
- partners
- body police
- polymerase
- papers
- speakers
- Nutraceutical potential
- Precision
- Predict
- PhD
- prematurity
- Award
- Aragonese Award of the Year
- Pfizer Foundation Award
- Nobel Prize
- Research and Innovation Awards
- National Awards
- National Youth Awards
- Nobel Prizes
- Third Millennium Awards
- in-person or
- prevention
- disease prevention.
- Private
- visual problems
- professionals
- healthcare professionals
- health professionals
- ALASS Program
- Strengthens Program
- First-party cookie
- Presentation
- Prostate
- Protein
- proteins
- project
- AI4HealthyAging project
- Antonio Project
- investigation project
- European project
- overall project
- Impulso Project with Aspanoa
- Projects
- Discipline
- Testing
- psychology
- psychosis
- psilocybin
- psychiatry
- Liaison psychiatry
- public
- Public
- publish
- public
- Pueyo de Marcuello
- Lung
- Lungs
- heartbeat
- dry puncture
- chemistry
- Radio
- Rafael Continete
- Research.com ranking
- Rachel Espílez
- Real World Data
- Real Zaragoza
- virtual reality
- Rebecca Sanz
- Rebeca Sanz Pamplona
- collection
- recuperación
- neural networks
- Social Media
- cardiac regeneration
- Regenerating
- Holter record
- Story
- Short story
- research.com
- antimicrobial resistance
- I will resist
- respiratory
- Results
- Portraits with hope
- Magazine
- Cell magazine
- risk
- cardiovascular risk
- risks
- Riñon
- Roch Christian Johnson
- Romareda
- Rosa Magallón
- Rosario Osta
- RTDetective
- Health
- Cardiovascular health
- Human health
- mental health
- Bone health
- public health
- Reproductive health
- blood
- health
- Santander X Global Challenge
- Santiago Ramon y Cajal
- Sara Malo Fumanal
- Sarcomas
- sarcopenia
- Satisfaction
- Scienfy
- Tracking
- to maximise security and your enjoyment.
- food safety
- HR-stamp
- Smoke Free Week
- semcient
- semFYC
- seminar
- biomedical seminar
- scientific seminar
- ipIBA seminars
- Aragonese Health Service
- Neurology Service
- Sanitary Services
- online session
- Silicon Valley
- International Symposium on Cancer OncoImmunology and Immunotherapy
- Symposia
- cardio-renal syndrome
- Cornelia de Lange syndrome
- Metabolic syndrome
- Symptom
- complement system
- Healthcare system
- public systems
- Zaragoza Sites
- overdiagnosis
- overmedicalization
- Spanish Society of Nephrology Nursing
- Spanish Society of Neurology
- SOE2023
- Solidarity
- solidary
- Solip Park
- We are rare but we exist
- gastric tube
- Sonia Santos Lasaosa
- draw
- startup
- Stop Gambling
- Stroke-Poc
- Subsidies
- Welder
- Supplements
- tobacco
- workshops
- Tarazona
- technology
- ovarian tissue
- Telecommuting
- temperature
- Early
- nucleoside
- catalytic therapy
- Advanced Therapies
- targeted therapies
- Teruel
- antigen test
- Blood test
- The Conversation
- TheMoveMen
- Think Tank
- Type 1
- Neuromodulation Specialist Title
- TME Lab
- Toledo, Long-Tailed Manakin
- optical coherence tomography
- brain topology
- Cariñena solidarity tortilla
- shift workers
- work
- I work by turns
- international work
- Solidarity Trail El Pino de Binaced
- transamination
- transparency
- transplant
- organ transplant
- Kidney transplant
- autoimmune disorder
- Autism spectrum disorder
- eating disorders
- gait disorders
- Genetic disorders
- mental disorders
- treatment
- nutritional treatment
- cancer treatments
- psychological treatments
- triglycerides
- Tubercolysis
- tuberculosis
- tumor
- tumor cerebral
- tumors
- brain tumors
- genitourinary tumors
- UE
- Buruli ulcer
- Hematology Unit
- Research Unit in Advanced Therapies
- Oncology Unit
- Research Resources Unit
- Aragón Advanced Therapies Unit
- University of Barcelona
- University of Zaragoza
- Pacific university
- Loyola University
- McGill University
- National University of Distance Education
- Public University of Navarra
- San Jorge University
- University College London
- Urology
- vacuna
- tuberculosis vaccine
- ventilate
- Vicky Villaverde
- Victor Ambros Gary Ruvlun
- New brand
- VII Meeting of Young Researchers
- VIII Meeting of Young Researchers Abroad
- Red
- virus
- influenza virus
- visibility
- Vitamin D
- vocation
- volunteers
- back Spain
- Webinar
- Youtube
- Zaragoza
- zoonoses
- Zurich
8 February, 2022
7 February, 2022
7 February, 2022
7 February, 2022
4 February, 2022
4 February, 2022
3 February, 2022
3 February, 2022