Communication - IIS Aragón

Augusts 9, 2024

New methods to stop the spread of bacterial infections

A study led by scientists from the Zaidín Experimental Station (CSIC) has identified a superfamily of proteins that includes more than 6.300 receptors widespread among bacteria. The advance could open up new strategies to combat pathogens.
Augusts 7, 2024

The Anisakis parasite is associated with colon cancer

A study reveals the tumorigenic potential of the products released by the larvae of this parasite. The research will facilitate the identification of the disease and the creation of new prevention methods.
Augusts 5, 2024

Carlos Colás: “Our studies have high social impact, but little investment attractiveness for the pharmaceutical industry”

In this interview, the IIS Aragón researcher talks about his work leading the 'Allergy' Group (GIIS039) at the Hospital Clínico, and what his projects are like.
Augusts 2, 2024

Audiovisual creation, creative writing and photography: the Patient in Science workshops return

Three new sessions of Patient in Science, the IIS Aragón project with the collaboration of FECYT that seeks to strengthen the interaction between citizens, patients and researchers.
26 July 2024

III International Congress on Accessibility to Public Health Systems, next October 24 and 25

The Faculty of Medicine of the University of Zaragoza will host the Third International Congress on Accessibility to Public Health Systems organized by Médicos del Mundo on October 24 and 25.
24 July 2024

María José Rabanaque: “I consider it a social task to provide useful information to improve the health of the population and to help in decision-making in planning services”

In this interview, the IIS Aragón researcher talks about her work leading 'GRISSA: Health Services Research Group' (GIIS022) and what her day-to-day life is like.
23 July 2024

Ramón Reyes, president of the AECC: "We have to know why there is more cancer than ever at an early age"

Re-elected head of the entity, Reyes enthusiastically faces a second term and reviews the pending challenges: low-survival cancer, screening, access to drugs or the anti-smoking plan.