Manuel Valiente: «Short-termism is very dangerous, we will overcome the covid but the cancer will still be there»
October 5, 2020
CESA awards for doctoral theses
October 5, 2020This week the association obtained the seal of the Lealtad Foundation, one of the most prestigious distinctions that a Spanish NGO can receive today.
Aspanoa, the association that cares for children with cancer in Aragon, has launched a double call with 75.000 euros to finance projects against childhood cancer in the Community. Interested parties can submit their proposals until November 15 and the Aspanoa Scientific Committee will issue the resolution in December.
As indicated by the Association in a press release, the rules of the call can be consulted through the Association's website. Thus, the first line of aid is aimed directly at financing research projects against childhood cancer and has an endowment of 60.000 euros.
The second call, endowed with 15.000 euros, will support the training of health professionals, actions to improve the quality of care in the field of Aragonese Oncopediatrics and humanization projects.
The launch of this double call has been possible thanks to the solidarity of hundreds of people, specifically, the nearly 2.000 Aspanoa members who have updated their quota in recent months and the 27 companies that have joined the new program. AspaPymes'.
Their support, along with an effort to reorient the group's own resources, has allowed this double call to be launched this year despite the fact that the coronavirus crisis has reduced Aspanoa's income to carry out its social work, since it barely They have been able to celebrate solidarity activities since March.
For his part, the president of Aspanoa, Gabriel Tirado, has claimed that "childhood cancer research cannot stop." He also recalled that the survival rate of this disease in Spain is still at 80 percent.
In Tirado's words, "we are going to do everything possible to continue supporting doctors and researchers." "It is the only way to advance more effective treatments and ensure that, one day, all children are cured," he added.
Aspanoa's funding has allowed us to launch the first research against childhood cancer in the history of Aragon. Since 2018, the Association has committed 300.000 euros to research against this disease, fundamentally through scientists from the Aragón Health Research Institute (IIS Aragón).
On the other hand, Aspanoa has obtained this week the seal of the Lealtad Foundation, one of the most prestigious distinctions that a Spanish NGO can receive today. This seal certifies that Aspanoa works following the principles of transparency and good practices in its management.