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November 14, 2024The activities of the “Science Week” in Zaragoza will run from November 12 to 16, 2024. In addition to various informative days and meetings between patients and researchers, several grants will be awarded for cancer research worth a total of 345.000 euros.
During this week, Zaragoza will become the European capital of cancer research. From the Tuesday 12th and until Saturday 16th November, the Spanish Association for Cancer Research (ASEICA) is holding several events that will bring together the best national and international experts in oncology research. These scientific meetings will serve to present the latest advances in the knowledge, diagnosis and treatment of cancer.
ASEICA was established in 1983 with the ambitious mission of promoting the professional development of all researchers in the field of cancer. “Over these years, with almost 1700 members, ASEICA has become a benchmark as an advocacy agent and as a platform for meeting, training and raising awareness of the scientific community in cancer in this country,” he says. Marisol Soengas, president of ASEICA.
“A fundamental objective of ASEICA is to ensure that scientific advances reach people affected by cancer in an equitable manner”
Marisol Soengas, president of ASEICA.
Arkaitz Carracedo, a member of the Congress organizing committee, highlights the importance of this social component: “We scientists have the responsibility of communicating to society what we are working on, what challenges we face, and also what is being achieved thanks to research.”
Latest advances in cancer research
This international congress will serve as a forum to highlight Spain's leadership in oncology research. “We have very powerful groups in liquid biopsy and other technologies that facilitate early diagnosis and monitoring of different tumors. We also have strong teams in the study of the tumor microenvironment, the identification of biomarkers and tumor targets, drug design, and the development of new treatments in immunotherapy, among many other areas,” he says. Rafael López, vice president of ASEICA.
For its part, Alberto J. Schuhmacher, member of the scientific committee of the congress, emphasizes that “this congress will shed light on the latest advances and new methods of diagnosis and treatment of cancer. It will also serve as guidance to young researchers on the challenges and opportunities in this field. In addition, the fact that it is being held in Zaragoza represents a boost for oncological research in Aragon.”
The researcher Ana Ruiz Saenz (CIC bioGUNE), has presented the new ASEICA-International working group, the challenges faced by researchers working outside Spain and several proposals to “create collaboration networks between foreign researchers and their Spanish counterparts, as well as establish links with industry and the public sector”. This initiative aims to promote the development of the professional careers of researchers working in cancer, within and outside Spain.
In addition to Marisol Soengas (CNIO, Madrid), Rafael López (Santiago de Compostela University Hospital Complex), Arkaitz Carracedo (CIC bioGUNE, Bilbao), Tony Ribas (UCLA Health, Los Angeles), Johann de Bono (Institute Cancer of Research, London) and Julio Aguirre-Ghiso (Albert Einstein Cancer Center, NY), more than 30 speakers will participate along with other impactful Aragonese researchers such as Patricia Sancho (IIS Aragón, Zaragoza), Alberto J. Schuhmacher (ARAID, IIS Aragón, Zaragoza), Antonio Anton (HU Miguel Servet, Zaragoza) or Dolores Island (HCU Lozano Blesa, Zaragoza). In total, the congress will bring together around 400 attendees from both Spain and abroad.
Events open to the public and other activities
Likewise, to promote the approach to society, a day open to the public was organized on November 12 in collaboration with the Spanish Association Against Cancer (AECC) of Zaragoza, which included great figures in oncology such as Xose Bustelo, Luis Paz-Ares and Julio Aguirre-Ghiso, among others.
On November 12, the ASEICA Joven – Fundación Ibercaja Retreat 2024 also took place, aimed at research staff who are in the early stages of their scientific career. This meeting is coordinated by the members of the ASEICA board of directors. Toni Celia-Terrassa, Juan Carlos Lopez Gil y Ana Janic and means “continuing ASEICA’s commitment to the new generations of scientists, who will be the leaders of oncology research in the future,” says Toni Celià-Terrassa.
As a culmination, the III ASEICA-Med Meeting will be held on November 15 and 16, aimed at oncology professionals. It will be coordinated by Luis Paz-Ares, Rafael López, Ignacio Durán y Miguel Sanmamed, and will feature the best clinical researchers on the national scene. Regarding this event, Miguel Sanmamed points out that “the meeting is very important, since it will allow us to discuss proposals to improve the professional career and recognition of medical research staff, particularly young people, in the field of oncology.” In addition, ASEICA will recognize the commitment of female researchers who have stood out in the CONOCEL action, aimed at giving visibility to female scientists in cancer and breaking gender stereotypes in this field. “We are excited about this spectrum of activities with great scientific and social scope” he indicates. Ana Cuenda, coordinator of the ASEICA Communications group.
345.000 euros in research grants
The ASEICA Awards for the best researchers of 2024 will be presented at the Congress, as well as the awards for social commitment, for the best posters and oral presentations presented at the Congress.
In addition to the Research Awards, ASEICA will allocate more than 345.000 euros in research grants, thanks to the support of the FERO Foundation, the Más que Un Trail Alcoi Foundation, CRIS Contra el Cáncer, the Domingo Martínez Foundation and the “la Caixa” Foundation. These grants will serve to promote the work of scientists in the initial stages of their careers.
Supports and sponsorships
The meeting, organised by ASEICA, is sponsored by the European Society for Cancer Research (EACR), the Spanish Association of Medical Oncology (SEOM), the Federation of Medical Oncology Societies (FESEO), the Spanish Association Against Cancer (AECC), the Biomedical Cancer Network Research Centre (CIBERONC), the ECO Foundation, the FERO Foundation, the Federation of Spanish Oncology Societies (FESEO), GEPAC, the Spanish Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (SEBBM) and CRIS against Cancer. Various pharmaceutical multinationals and local companies are collaborating in this congress, as well as the Aragonese Agency for Research and Development Foundation (ARAID).
Source: ASEICA