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September 20, 2019
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September 25, 201918 of them belong to the university staff, another 3 are researchers from the CSIC in mixed research centers and a visiting professor completes the list
The journal PLoS Biology publishes a bibliometric study of the 100.000 most cited scientists out of almost 7 million experts, in which 300 Spaniards appear
A recent bibliometric study published in the prestigious journal PLOS Biology shows that, in the list of 100.000 most cited scientists worldwide, some appear 300 Spanish and, of them, 22 They carry out their research work in the University of Zaragoza or in joint research institutes of which the university is a part.
Specifically, 18 of them belong to the university staff, others 3 They are researchers of CSIC in mixed centers and completes the list Visiting Professor.
The study has been carried out on almost 7 million of scientists (specifically, 6.880.389) of 22 areas of knowledge (Chemistry, Biology, Arts and Humanities, Medicine, Mathematics, History, Philosophy, Economics, Physics, Engineering, Agriculture, Information and Communication, Social Sciences, etc.), from all scientific contributions of the areas studied, independently of the researcher.
The first of these 22 scientists that appear in the classification (the position they occupy in parentheses) is Angel Lanas (1), professor of the Department of Medicine, Psychiatry and Dermatology and director of the Aragón Health Research Institute (IIS Aragón, joint center with Servet and Clínico hospitals, Primary Health Care, UNIZAR and the IACS); followed by Luis Martin Moreno (2), CSIC Research Professor, who carries out his work at the Institute of Materials Science of Aragon (ICMA), a joint center of the CSIC and the University of Zaragoza, and Agustín Estrada Peña (3), professor of the Department of Animal Pathology, member of the Agri-Food Institute of Aragon (IA2, mixed UNIZAR-CITA).
The following are also part of this classification: professors and scientists on the staff of the University of Zaragoza:
Vicente Ferreira (4), from IA2, and Luis A. Moreno (5), from IA2 and IIS Aragón;
Peter Merino (6) and Yamir Moreno (16), from the University Research Institute of Biocomputing and Physics of Complex Systems (BIFI);
Rafael Navarro (8) and Larry R. Falvello (12), from ICMA;
Joaquin Coronas (9) Gerardo F Goya (10) José Luis Serrano (14) and Manuel Arruebo (21), from the Aragon Nanoscience Institute (INA);
Cristina Nerin (11), from the Aragon Engineering Institute (I3A);
Antonio Laguna (15) and Luis Gold (17), from the Institute of Chemical Synthesis and Homogeneous Catalysis (ISQCH, from the joint CSIC-UNIZAR institute)
Antonio Valero (19) from the CIRCE joint institute (CIRCE Foundation – UNIZAR)
y José M. Marín (20) and Faustino Pérez-López (22), from IIS Aragón.
Complete the list two CSIC researchers in joint CSIC-UNIZAR institutes: Miguel A. Esteruelas (7), from ISQCH and Olivier Roubeau (13), from ICMA, and André Deprit (18) Visiting Professor, who during the last years of his scientific career shared his time between the National Institute of Standards and Technology (USA) and the University of Zaragoza, where he was appointed Honoris Causa Professor.
“This new listing endorses the trajectory of excellence of researchers linked to the University of Zaragoza in the international scientific field”, as highlighted by the Vice-Rector for Scientific Policy, M. Blanca Ros. "Without a doubt, he is the result of solid and quality research trajectories that are being developed in our university environment, in a wide spectrum of knowledge areas, with a clear impact on the well-being of our society and on our mission of being transmitters and generators of knowledge.”
To create the list of the most cited, a multitude of factors have been taken into account. “cross” factors that allow us to assess the impact of scientific activity of the researcher objectively.
Among these factors are, the h-index, frequently used to measure the quality of scientific production, depending on the quantity of citations that his scientific articles have received, its correction according to the number of self appointments, responsibility in publications, Schreiber's hm co-authorship index, etc. The results have been calculated for the años 2017 y 2018 and show that there are few variations between the two, reflecting a some constancy in the recent trajectory of researchers.
The study emphasizes avoiding the assessment of scientific activity using individual metrics such as the h-index, without further ado, or the impact factor of the journals where it is published. It is necessary to evaluate all these metrics in a combined manner, including the number of external citations, to have an objective view of the impact of the research.
Likewise, the study invites caution when comparing data between scientists from very different areas. Such comparison should, in particular, be restricted to each of the 22 defined areas.
13.176 ÁAngel Lanas
Department of Medicine, Psychiatry and Dermatology, IIS Aragón (UNIZAR- Hospitales Servet y Clínico, A. Primary Health, IACS)
37.561 Luis Martín Moreno
Research Professor at CSIC, ICMA (CSIC-UNIZAR)
38.096 Agustín Estrada-Peña
Department of Animal Pathology, IA2 (UNIZAR-CITA).
39.914 Vicente Ferreira
Department of Analytical Chemistry, IA2 (UNIZAR-CITA).
41.018 Luis A. Moreno
Department of Physiatry and Nursing, IA2 (UNIZAR-CITA), IIS Aragón (Health-UNIZAR-IACS)
43.727 Pedro Merino
Department of Organic Chemistry, BIFI
44.008 Miguel A. Esteruelas
Research Professor of the CSIC, ISQCH (CSIC-UNIZAR)
54.552 Rafael Navarro
Department of Materials and Fluids Science and Technology, ICMA (CSIC-UNIZAR)
58.734 Joaquín Coronas
Department of Chemical Engineering and Environmental Technology, INA
63.564 Gerardo F Goya
Department of Condensed Matter Physics, INA
70.811 Cristina Nerín
Department of Analytical Chemistry, I3A
72.659 Larry R. Falvello
Department of Inorganic Chemistry, ICMA (CSIC-UNIZAR)
73.629 Olivier Roubeau
Senior Scientist of the CSIC, ICMA (CSIC-UNIZAR)
74.544 José Luis Serrano
Department of Organic Chemistry, INA
76.136 Antonio Laguna
Department of Inorganic Chemistry, ISQCH (CSIC-UNIZAR)
82.138 Yamir Moreno
Department of Theoretical Physics, BIFI
88.201 Luis Oro
Department of Inorganic Chemistry, ISQCH (CSIC-UNIZAR)
90.024 André Deprit
National Institute of Standards and Technology (USA),Visiting professor (UNIZAR), 1987-1998
95.192 Antonio Valero
Department of Mechanical Engineering, CIRCE (CIRCE Foundation – UNIZAR)
97.265 José M. Marín
Department of Medicine, Psychiatry and Dermatology, IIS Aragón (Salud-UNIZAR-IACS)
99.902 Manuel Arruebo
Department of Chemical Engineering and Environmental Technology, INA
100.417 Faustino Pérez-López
Department of Surgery, Gynecology and Obstetrics, IIS Aragón (Salud-UNIZAR-IACS)