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4 May 2022May 13 is the new deadline to sign up for 'ipIBA Day', a meeting for predoctoral researchers at IIS Aragón that will take place on May 31 from 9:00 a.m. to 14:00 p.m. in the Lorente Assembly Hall in No del CIBA.
The program will begin with a speed dating scientific so that attendees get to know each other. Afterwards, two training workshops will take place on or mindfulness taught by Dr. García Campayo's team and scientific dissemination, by scientific monologuists RISArchers.
Then it will be time for the competition in two formats. On the one hand, participants are asked to design a poster in a scientific format and, on the other hand, present the doctoral thesis in an informative tone in just three minutes. The prizes will consist of a training bonus worth 400 euros for the winner of the 3-minute thesis contest and another bonus of 100 euros for the author of the best poster. The second classified in both will receive separate batches of Pastelería Tolosana products.
Registrations, both to be a listener and to participate in the contests, can be formalized through the QR code on the advertising poster or the following link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1W3yjXmNW70jQyv7s5CtXDce1rFpg1iCPjRCyA9Fsco0/edit. The summary of the presentation, as well as the participation document and any questions should be sent to the email address seminaripiba@gmail.com.
Researchers who are not predoctoral can attend as listeners (postdocs, TFG/M students, laboratory technicians) but predoctoral students have preference until the quota of places is reached. If it is not covered, the order of registration of those not covered will be taken into account. predocs.
The 'ipIBA Day', which will serve to close the course of the seminars on biomedical research that are given biweekly on Tuesdays of each month, aims to promote scientific culture among the members of the IIS Aragón, enhance the networking among younger researchers and contribute to the development of their transversal skills in communication and dissemination.